Eye a bit watery

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Momma to Many ^_^
Nov 28, 2011
West Texas
So last night i took Ozzy out for his bath/playtime. He hasn't been acting any different, still eating the same, pooping like the little poop monster he is, and drinking plenty of water. Anyways, i picked him up to move him back to his cage and and noticed his left eye was a bit watery. I looked at the right eye and saw some eye goobers in both so i cleaned them off. I kept an eye on him for a good 3 hours, and he acted fine still. I'm not sure if his watery eye was due to the fairly big eye goober or something else.. I am going to keep a close eye on him today and if it gets worse, he will be going to the vet. It's not as watery as it was last night. Also, I have been noticing he is "grinding his teeth" a lot. He does it in his sleep too, which he has been doing for almost a week now. What should i do? Am i just being a paranoid chin momma or is something else really going on?
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chins will, on ocasion, grind their teeth, as for the eye if it stays wet and goobery, i think you shouldd make a vet apt.
Sounds like you are talking about my chin, I'm taking him to a vet tomorrow to get an X-ray just to be on the safe side.
So I've been keeping an eye on Ozzy and I will be taking him to the vent next week after i get paid. His eye is getting more watery as the days pass. He is still eating normal and pooping normal and drinking normal. But it has me worried to death.... I have been preparing myself for the worst. And have made the decision if he does have Malo, I will more than likely end up putting him to sleep. I don't have the finances available to keep a chin with malo... Hopefully he doesn't.. But I will keep everyone posted...
Just called the vet, got his appointment set for next wed. I told them what was going on and they said to just keep watching him and if anything changes between now and then bring him in. I'm so worried.....