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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2009
So I got a new chin from petsmart last week for free because he had one ear other then that he seems healthy they paid for a vet visit to make sure he was fine too... he is extremely energetic and eats a ton.. but the past two days ive notices he has been biting at the cage door and this morning I noticed the top latch un latched ( he is in a martins cage... soo today i left my house at 2 pm and i just got back at 1 am ..( I had a lacrosse game in south jersey) and there is dust and foot prints every where and only the top latch is un hitched i found him sleeping under my futon luckally but he squezzed himself out of the top of the cage.. now inspecting my room to see what he has chewed on and all the bags of hay are chewed wide open the tuperware container of food has a whole bitten into it my two tv remotes are bitten all over the place practicly everything is chewed on... the face that he got out now is making me put a small lock on the cage door so he cant do it again and i am afraid that he might of eaten alot of plastice because alot of it is chewed... this guy is gunna kill me:hair:
It's amazing the way the can squeeze out of places and Edgar's favorite game is to try and escape during play time. I would be on the look out for a lack of poops, eating or being lethargic for the next day or two. If anything is off I'd go to the vet. However we can hope that all the plastic was just chewed and not so much swallowed. This would be really funny if it weren't for the worry about your baby.

Also I am newer so I am sure if I have given any wrong advice it will soon be corrected. ;)
I know how you feel!
Once, my first chinchilla (also from Petsmart) learned how to open the cage & escaped throughout the night when I was sleeping. In the morning, I found my laptop cables chewed up ... like this.
He'll probably be just fine. As mentioned, keep a close eye on his poops for the next few days, just in case he did swallow some.
You're lucky he didn't electrocute himself. There are people here who have lost chins b/c of that. Maybe put an extra fastener of some sort on the cage doors to keep this from happening again.

Oh man, I know all about chewed remote controls, laptop cords, and cell phones and pretty much anything else the little chew monsters get a hold of.
Oh jeeze. My girl some how chews on things when she's IN her cage and the stuff is no where near her. Last month we woke up and her bag of hay had a giant hole in it but the hay had been at least 3 feet away from her cage...apperently her little boyfriend(my male cat who is deeply in love with her) pushed it up next to her cage so she could have some. Luckily she is completly fine. Seems like chins can always find a way to get what they want. :)