edstrom bottles?

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
i just switched my chinny's water bottle to the edstrom bottle...and i don't think he likes it as much...he is having a harder time using it...does anyone have any tips to get it using it?? he chews it rather than licks it???
We have one of our girls who uses her front teeth to activate the valve. It sounds like she's chewing but she really isn't. She does get water out of it so we have not worried about it.

Maybe that's what your chin is trying to do in a clumsier way because it's new?
Perhaps a better question is....is the chin drinking water from it? Check the water level and make sure it is getting some water from all her chewin'. I think ideally they're supposed to jiggle the brass rod or push it with their teeth, but I would think your chin's method is fine as long as water gets to it.
she is drinking i marked the water bottle...i just feel like she doesnt like it as much as her old bottle and that she is thinking "what the hell is this? where is my water bottle" lol