Eating his fur?

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So today I haad to quickly corner and catch my little edwardo. He didn't want to go in his cage.. and I found fur coming out so of course I pulled it out and put him back. As soon as i showed him the fur he snatched it and ate it.. like he was hiding the evidence or something.

Is this normal?
When I was trying to intro two of my girls, there was some fur flying and at one point, one of them picked up a clump and ate some til I noticed and took it away.

Obviously, from now on don't offer it to him. I'm not sure why they do this, but I've seen it done. But it's not like they eat the fur off of themselves, so I don't know why they do it.
I have not seen it personally but I have read about chins doing it LOL, silly little imps.
I used to see it every now and then, but it seemed to stop when I began to give the whole herd LifeLine two or three times a week - maybe a happy chin doesn't like fur?
Seems to have "chilled" the whole herd!
The only time I have seen this was when I frist tried introing the boys and some fur was being slipped in clumps...Stolie would grab the fur and "attack"/chew it...and then be on his way. I've only ever seen it that one time, but not with his own fur.

They are really strange creatures sometimes