Dust Bath Frequency

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2012
Downey, CA
Hey everyone. I have a dust bath question. Is it okay to give Mochi her dust bath every day? Everything I've read has pretty much said the same thing:
  • At least 3 times a week
  • No more than 10-15 mins at a time
  • Change the dust every 2-3 weeks or if it becomes soiled
Since I've gotten her, I've let her bathe every day. She usually goes in the house for no more than 3 minutes at a time. I've left the bath in for 10 mins once, and she went back in for a second time for less than a minute. So it seems like she's bathing till she's satisfied. I haven't had to force her out or anything.

However, just about every day, I will see her pawing at her shelves at the tiny bit of dust on them (from her bath the previous night) and trying to bathe in that super thin layer. So when it's play time later, I let her bathe again.

Is every day too much? She seems to really enjoy it.
Every day can really dry out their skin. My chins get dust baths 2 times a week during the winter and sometimes 3 during the summer when it gets extra humid. I have one boy who has really dry skin so he only gets a bath once a week.

Anytime they find a little bit of dust, they will try to bathe. It doesn't mean they need a bath.
Where we are at, I only need to do dust baths once a week unless a marine layer comes our way. If I do it more often, my chins get dry skin.
They get itchy if their skin is dry, they'll start scratching a lot. I feel bad cause my guy loves his baths so much but I had to cut back too! I started every other day because Vancouver is pretty humid, but now it's three times a week. He does spend a little more time in there though, gets himself all good and dusty since he knows it'll be a couple of days.
Oh, maybe Mochi's getting dry. I have noticed her scratching a bit yesterday and today. Boooo, no bath for Mochi today. :(
I normally let Sprocket bathe once a week, or on special occasions (like when showing her off to someone who's never seen a chinchilla before). The dust bath is too cute not to show them!
It seems the consensus among the SoCal people is definitely NOT every day. I'm not as far inland as CuddleBug, so it's probably just slightly more humid here. I do get the marine layer 95% of the time that there is one (very rarely does it not make it this far), so I think I'll try 3 times a week and see how that goes. I skipped her bath last night. I think I'll skip today and try tomorrow unless I still see her scratching a lot.
Watch her ears for dry skin. that is the easiest place to see it. The ears will be dry, and flaky, often with scratches on them because they itch.
I dust 2-4 times a week. Depends if I handle them a lot and on the humidity. I do have a dehumidifier in the chin room to help.
I've switched to not giving her one everyday. I'm aiming for 3 times a week. In the past 4 days, she's only had 2 baths, and already she is not scratching noticeably. Thanks for the helpful advice everyone!