Displaced aggression stories, please share

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
Azusa, CA
Okay maybe I am a mean chin momma but I kinda laugh when my chin throws a fit. I have Casanova who when the sun goes down is ready to come out and play. (During the day he gets up for food and water but wants nothing to do with me then.) And if he see's me in the room not getting HIM out he sticks his nose as far out of the FN as he can and paws, no response? Then he runs up and down levels trying to get a better view of me to complain verbally. Even after play time when one of my other chins is out, it's not fair, he wants another turn! I gave him an apple chew once to keep him happy while others got their play time. He ran up and down levels with it in his mouth like a dog! And when the sight of another chin out was TOO much he took out his frustration on the stick, just aggressively chewing it and then throwing it out of the cage. (I just know I am going to get speared in the leg one day with him looking at me like this-->:impatient:)

Anyhow I know chins do all kinds of things but I thought if anyone wanted to share their displaced aggression stories it would be fun.
That is a really funny story :p I can picture that so clearly. I have one chinchilla, Romeo, who 'mounts' my finger, but only when I lick it, and he won't do it to anyone else, but that's not really agression.

My chin Zeus always acts like he wants to come out, and if I hold someone else before him he bites my face :( -has huge cut on side of nose-
My ricky humps his pillow when my other boy is out. Ricky is a very dominate chin, which is why I could never get him to live with rosco peacfully.
GiGi is a digger and fleece destroyer. She has a wonderful and I mean cute as heck fleece tube from Alli. She must pull all the fleece off of the front and pull it into the tube with her. Everytime I fix it, pull it back out of the tube and back around the edges of the tube she immediately hops in it and starts tugging, dragging and pulling until she has it balled up inside the tube. Now this cracks us up because when she does this neither she or her momma, Bobo, can go into the tube! And don't try to do this in secret either. The minute you start to fix her messed up fleece tube she is in there like a shot wrecking all your hard work!

She also digs her shavings. She needs to have no shavings in the middle of her cage. She likes the clear a spot and then push her food dish or green block all around the bare floor. It reminds me of curling quite honestly.

I don't know why she does this really. But it's very funny!