direct sunlight

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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2011
Harrisburg PA
something iv been wondering about for a while now. When i move the chins will have there own little room. But where the two double FN cages will have to go is right in front of a double window.

I was wondering the best way to deal with this. Im not sure regular curtains would block enough of the sun, but i am sure anything loos like that will end up in the chins cage; there good like that.
Thumb tacking towels or such over it might block out far to much and not give them any real source of day/night. - There is one other window on the side of the room, but that will likely be where the back up window ac unit will go.
I guess that towel thing could work if needed, but was wondering if anyone else had any other ideas.
Blackout curtains are a good option. My chins are in a room with 3 windows but not directly in front of them. I use a mix of blinds and blackout curtains, a dehumidifier, and strong A/C. The more you can put up to block the sunlight, the better, especially if the sunlight is very strong. has some other tips for keeping them at the right temp.
I thumb tack the curtains to the window sill and make sure the room is extra cool. Sunlight can make a big difference in temp. Could you move the cage so only half would be in the sun?
I have my curtains thumb tacked with just a slight amount of sunlight coming in the room but not shinning on the same side of the room that the chins have their cages in. It still allows them to have some sunlight and know when its daytime but not enough to make the room much warmer. Its really only a small amount shinning in but it does light the room up a decent amount. I also have a window unit so I don't worry much about it heating up the room. I know you probably know a lot more about chins then I do since Ive only had mine for a very short time but its just an idea. Hope the chinnies like their new dwelling!