Critter Nation ok for kits?

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Super Moderator
Staff member
May 7, 2012
I was looking at the petstore today and where I got my Ferret Nation only sells the Critter Nations now. I had planned to get a FN and just cover it in hardware cloth for when I get a couple kits, but is that needed with a CN? I haven't bought the cage yet, just looking where to buy things right now.
Kits as in 7-8 weeks+? If so, you shouldn't need to modify a Critter Nation to house them as the bar spacing (1/2") is small enough for them not to fit through.
CN are kit proof. The hardware cloth works great. You just have to think ahead. Do you want to be able to stick your fingers through and scratch the chins or open a door every time you want to say hi? I use CN for weaning in groups till they are about 4 months old then I bump them up to normal wired cages.