Critical Care in stock??

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Chin Slave
Mar 16, 2009
New Jersey
Does anyone here have critical care in stock? I have to take my Richie back to the vet on Monday for a full day of observation. He is still grinding his teeth and while he is eating his pellets like a champ and his shreddie and oats he really isnt eating his hay (nibbles on the cubes) or any of the treats like the pumice or vine wreath or pine blocks. he did eat a teeny tiny apple stick last night.
anyway they are going to observe him all day, do a complete oral exam and trim his teeth if necessary. she is pretty confident he will be sent home with meds, so I want to make sure I have the Critcal care on hand.
I will go back thru the forums because I remember reading that they need the acidolphilus but not until after or something. anyway i will update on monday evening so i can get some advice on after care. Thank you.
Please keep him in your thoughts. He is just the sweetest little chin and I just dont want him in any pain. :(
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Menagerie sells it through Wee Companion Rescue. You can contact her through her user name or her flashing banner at the top of the page. :)
Thank you Peggy. Quick question for 8 year old son is with me at work today and saw that you have 250 Chins. He wants to know if you really have 250 or if you have had that many in your life! lol And he wants to know where you keep them all!! ;)
I really have that many. I have a chin "barn" (converted 1 car garage) and, sadly, they also have my bedroom. I get the couch. :)

I've had more than that in my lifetime, that's just what I currently have.
I got my Critical Care from the vet, although it probably cost more, but I guess I didn't have to pay shipping. So I would check there.
Dr. Goode has critical care - since this is the vet you are going to

Meanie actually has it cheaper than even Oxbow sold it, or any vet office, which is why I suggested her. Plus, the proceeds from it go towards Wee Companions small animal rescue, which takes in pretty much any small critter in need including chins and rats. I'm all about supporting rescues, rather than my vet's office. I've probably already bought them a Porche and a summer home. :laughitup:
If you buy it by the pound, our vet charges 29.95. Menagerie's is much cheaper, even with shipping.
I'm sending some out to Michelle today.

For anybody that is interested. A 1 lb package is $18.00 and a 5 oz package is $8.00, plus shipping. Feel free to contact me through PM.