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Sep 1, 2012
Upstate New York
Last night there was a severe thunderstorm with very loud booms of thunder and lightning, and when I came out to check on my Penelope this morning I found that she had peed all over in her dust bath? The dust was all wet and smelled like urine. And now she acts all jumpy and kind of odd and has a wetness and odd discharge around her nethers. She hasn't really had an issue with thunderstorms before, but this one happened to very loud and I am wondering if this type of reaction is normal? She is a female standard grey and she is a little over a year old now... should I take her to my Vet? I am just simply very concerned. :\
I would clean her dust bath and put fresh powder in. Let her take another bath to remove the old wet stuff. I wouldn't leave the bath in her cage, just offer it every few days. Most chins are afraid of loud noises. She should calm down soon. She probably ran in her bath when she was frightened because it's a comforting place for her.