Clio (me) and Jancek (hedgehog) intro

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New member
Jul 21, 2014
Jancek is a stealth-cuddling hedgehog who is now almost 8 months old. We're past the quilling stages and the awkward "getting used to this new home" stages. I received him from a lovely breeder whom has moved farther away, but I've still referred her to friends who are interested in adopting one day. When I first saw him in his original home he just... would not sit still... Always moving, always exploring.

As he's gotten older we've found ourselves in more of a "watch tv and laze about together" rhythm. Aside from the difficulties in trimming his nails, we're pretty content.

As for me, I'm just the doey-eyed human that spoils him with mealies and is always looking for new and better ways to take care of him, or to share stories with other hedgie-lovers.