Cinnamon apple crisps?

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Feb 15, 2014
For the past few months, my mom and I have been giving my girls cinnamon apple crisps from Fresh Market as a bi-daily (every other day, not twice a day) treat. I generally give them smaller chips, but my mom likes to give them big ones. They go crazy when you rattle the container and love them. But I had a thought today... Is this okay for my chins to eat?
I am going to say no as drying fruits concentrates the sugars. Drying removes water so same sugar less food. I believe there are apple pomace treats you can get for your chins but as with any treat maybe once a week for these.
I would be afraid of the cinnamon. I don´t know if it is safe for chins. I make my own apple chips. I make them quite small (like 1 inch long and less) and the same for carrots (so thin smaller pieces) and split one piece for 2 chins. It is suitable as treat and only 2 - 3 times a week a small piece. There are many healthier treats you can give your chins - dried herbs, flowers, ... My little sweeties like these treats as much as dried fruits :)
Sugar does the same thing to chin teeth it does to human teeth and chins can't brush, regardless of the controversy about what sugar does to the gut, no one can deny what it can do to the teeth-there are those that day that chins do not have the bacteria in their saliva to make carries-true if the chin is wild, not true if the chin is domestic-there have been studies that have analysed chin saliva and the bacteria is there and carries is seen in chinchillas.