Chinspin VS. Flying Saucer

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Little Chinta

I am having a hard time making the decision as to whether I should buy a ChinSpin or a Flying Saucer. Nikki (my mosaic female) came with a homemade chinchilla wheel, which was in great condition. Two drawbacks - too noisy for my room, and it didn't seem to have a large enough running surface for her. Hence, looking in to the two wheels. She also has a bit of a hunchback, which I was wondering - would that be a factor in deciding on a wheel? Or should I forgo the wheel all together?
Pretty sure you shouldn't forgo the wheel.

If you think the hunchback has something to do with the wheel, get a flying saucer, since it's supposed to be better for their backs.

But this has been asked many times, you'll find more insight if you search the forums.
I have a chinspin, its fine for their backs. Just make sure you get the biggest one available. Its made for the natural allignment of their backs when they run. Gizmo is addicted to the wheel. The only downside is it does rattle the cage quite a bit when he runs on it.
The flying saucer rattles the cage less then the chinspin in my experience. Mostly just the pitter patter of the feet on the wheel surface. But not all chins will use it as readily as they do the chinspin.

As the cage is in your bedroom though I would go with the saucer. I can hear my chin spin at night and its down the hall behind two doors.