Chinchilla Games

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Active member
Feb 15, 2014
Charleston, SC
What are some things you do with your chinchilla to entertain them? What do you do during playtime?

I switch out his toys every few days and he is always eager to get out and play. When he's out, he runs all over the place, jumps all over, and climbs all over me for a bit. Then he curls up in "his spot" for like 45 minutes to an hour before he going all over the room again.

I just want to know what are some things I can do to keep him happy and not bored. Of course I always talk with him and get on the floor with him, but what else should I or can I do for him?
I constantly switch out the boxes in the playpens so its different every week or so, and get new boxes as many as I can, left over hanging toys get tossed in there, hay that they don't want gets tossed in there and when its in the pen its like brand new.
I keep a hut made of timothy hay, a glass jar (closed with food in it), a giant spider (here's the link: ) myself, and the newspaper in Baby Chin's play pen.

All I do is move things around and she seems to be happy. I think the main thing is that she has room to run and things to climb over and jump on.

The news paper; I don't let her eat it. But she really enjoys jumping on it while im trying to read LOL, and she goes crazy (in a good way) when I flip pages hahahaha. I don't know if its the noise or just seeing the paper flip. Silly girl immediately runs to check it out, then goes popcorning all over! Like, "YES! Another page has flipped! Now I must flip too!!"... Chin's, gotta love them lol...
I always sit on the floor with them and usually do some sort of craft project, like knitting or crocheting. That usually turns into a fun game of yarn keep away.
I sometimes throw apple sticks all over the playroom for him to find. As Dawn mentioned, I'll bring in old toys too. I bought a few smaller toys and I figure I can rotate them out. I think their favorite part is the human jungle gym. I find that when I change positions on the floor, I'm all that much more fun for him to jump on. He loves sitting on my head and shoulders Lol. I also saw a website that sells cardboard mazes for chins and I thought that was so much fun and cool. Thinking of getting one.
And lol to the newspaper and knitting, Becky and pandachan. I can't bring anything of importance in the playroom. He's a stinker and steals my things and puts them in his cage to chew later. Like phone manuals or a recipe.... Lol.
The news paper; I don't let her eat it. But she really enjoys jumping on it while im trying to read LOL, and she goes crazy (in a good way) when I flip pages hahahaha. I don't know if its the noise or just seeing the paper flip. Silly girl immediately runs to check it out, then goes popcorning all over! Like, "YES! Another page has flipped! Now I must flip too!!"... Chin's, gotta love them lol...

LOL! My boyfriend and I love doing crossword puzzles out of the newspaper, I'll have to try this with Bubs.
saw the title for this thread and first thought that came to mind was games you could play that included your chins. Immediately thought of drawing a bunch of numbers on a fleece liner and playing chinchilla poo bingo. The numbers would be sure to come up fast. :crazy: