Chin tries to climb walls...

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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2013
So Sigma is a pistol. We do playtime for about 20 minutes a day (he's still very, very young and once you release him he is non-stop and easily wears himself out). He's gotten into this thing now that he wants to try and jump up the walls.

Granted, this is incredibly adorable. But I am severely concerned since he doesn't always land gracefully that he could hurt himself in doing this. I can't really tell him "Sigma, stop", but I do try to discourage him from jumping up against the walls when he does it.

I'm just concerned that he'll hurt himself!

Also, Sigma popcorns VIOLENTLY. Like, he just gets really, really excited and spazzes for a few seconds. Sometimes he's even thrown himself into the wall. I don't know if this is extreme popcorning, or if he's getting seizures. It isn't that his body is "out of control" and contorted, it's just... a major jump and twitch.

I put some fleece down along the edges of the bathroom when it's playtime, but he manages to kick it or shift it when he's running about.
He is just being a wild and crazy chin baby. They are insane when they are young. The wall thing is affectionately called wall surfing and is normal behavior. Once he figures it out, he will use it to get onto high objects like tables etc. All you can do is try to make his play area as safe as possible and monitor his playtime. Don't worry, they usually grow out of the wild baby stage even when you are sure they will kill themselves in the process.
Oh good! I thought I had a psycho chin... but at least this is normal. XD

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I have a chin who wall surfs and he also tries to literally jump up the walls (as if he thinks he can jump over them). If he ever falls funny (sometimes it looks like he's falling on his butt) I keep a really close eye on him to make sure he's not limping and doesn't make any pain noises.

How young are your chins? Babies can be crazy so you might want to limit their playtime even more until they get a little more sense.
Sigma is about 10 weeks old. He was amazing the first time I bought him out bit lately he has just been getting crazy. The maximum time I keep him out is 20. 5 minutes of me having him climb on me, 5 minutes to run his laps, and ten minutes bribing him to go into the carrier to be brought back to the cage. Lol. He definitely sleeps soundly on his marble slab after playtime for like... a half hour. :) it's so cute.

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Oh wow, that is really young. You might want to consider limiting his playtime even more because even a short 20 minute playtime is burning up a lot of calories that he needs to use for growing. That he sleeps for half an hour after playtime shows that he is over-tiring himself (which baby chins are prone to doing). The need to use his calories to pudge up is one of the reasons chins are not supposed to have wheels before they are 6 months old.

Either way, he sounds absolutely adorable!
Chins under 6 months old should not have play time. This is because they will over do it and they are also burning the calories they need for growing. That is why he gets so worn out. If you feel you must do play time, start with 5 minutes and lengthen the time by 5 minutes every 2 - 4 weeks. If ata any time he is wearing himself out, back off a little on the playtime.

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