Chin Crying

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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New member
Aug 22, 2012
Hi All,

I'm new to the forums.

So I have two china Neko and Toro.

Recently I have been letting them out of the cage to play for a while as I've had more time. However yesterday I couldn't play with them as long as I usual. Toro started whimpering. I let him out of the cage and he seemed fine running and wall surfing. I put him back in the cage he started whimpering again. Took him out again and he was fine.

So I put him back in the cage and put on some nature sounding music for him and he seemed to calm down and sleep.

Is he getting some form of separation anxiety or something?
definitely trying to get there way !!!! Mine barks to summon me to her cage door at times !
Yup, you are being trained. He's just testing how much he can get away with. :) ALL of my girls have tried and done with with me.
he's totally training you

When I was a new chin Mom and only had Mouse, he would let out the most heart wrenching cry when I turned the lights out in the living room and started to go upstairs to bed... of course I'd run to check on him... up to 4 times in a row... and then I figured out he had my number and was dailing it in