Cage Just Arrived

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I was trying to put my chin spin in. But if it's supposed to be two inches off the cage ground, how am I supposed to do that if the cage guards are in the way? (the cage guards block the first 5 inches)
If your chinchilla is under 6 months he should not have a wheel anyways.
I know, I was just wondering for the future. Because when he gets older, I don't know how to put it on 2" above the ground while the cage guards are blocking it.
You would either have to take one of the guards off or put it higher up I guess.
Lots of people have their chin spins higher up than two inches. You just should put it any lower than that or the chin could get stuck under it.
Okay, thanks.

I just got my order from Allison at Camphor Chins (alli713) and I love everything!!
I got fleece, hammocks, a fleece buddy, hay, food, dust, and some twigs. And a hay holder. Everything is great!
Thanks, Allison!!

I have a few questions if anyone feels like answering them:

How would the fleece on the bottom stay put? It is just the right size and I can't tuck it into anything. I have a wooden house on top of it that should help way it down, though...?
Also, the hammocks have to attach on the top of the cage, right? Because I am getting a 3 month old chin, and I don't want to put anything too high up yet. I should have gotten a corner hammock, but I wasn't thinking I guess. Any suggestions?

Thanks :)
You can just set the liners in the cage, chins do like to dig and burrow, so you may need to adjust it here and there depending on if the chin likes to move it or not. You don't have to put everything in at once, you could save the hammock until the chin is older. No matter how old the chin is you want to make sure that the cage is designed in such a way that they can't fall too far from any given point. When I was using my quality cage I made a shelf that went straight across the middle to break up the fall.
Okay, thanks. I will leave the liner as it is now. And as for the hammock, I will put it in when the chin gets older.
I also put my shelves down lower, so that should help with the falling issue.

You still need to guard against falling. Chins climb the walls of the cage. At three days old my babies were climbing to the top of a 6 ft cage ( Tiny lil firemen lol) I had fleece in place and never had a fall from that height.
Rebecca, stretch your hammock across the middle of the cage, halfway up, if it's big enough to do so. this will provide a nice cushioned landing if your chin should fall off a shelf above.
You still need to guard against falling. Chins climb the walls of the cage. At three days old my babies were climbing to the top of a 6 ft cage ( Tiny lil firemen lol) I had fleece in place and never had a fall from that height.

I forgot about this, but yeah I had a spider chin too at an early age and had to make changes to my mansion because of it.
I tried it, and it worked!
How's this:


By the way, I am just storing all of that wood and toys in there for now. I am going to take it out when I actually get my chin.
It's a QC Townhome.
What do you think of the placement of the hammock and if my chin can get up to the first shelf easily enough?