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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2014
Gosh, it feels like AGES that I've been waiting...though was probably for the better, gave me sufficient time to mourn Rou and sterilize the cage. He's a little character....does a lot of wall surfing, and was very pouty after I covered the cage in chicken wire (Yup. Ya'll were right about the cage spacing being too big...). He does seem a tad lonely and scared...all he wants to do is be out, but I'm waiting for him to settle in a bit more. He LOVES snuggles, too!!! He seems to be more dinaural than crepiscular, too! (not that i'm complaining). He's still awake a bit at night, but is always awake when I go check on him during the day (and i'm not waking him up...he's usually eating or bouncing around)

Nibbling his hay, contemplating where to try to escape next

'Oh hi der!'

All snuggled up for the ride home

Too dang precious (I moved him out of the sun after this. I didn't realize he was directly in the sun until I looked back for a pic!)
Thanks!! He's too cute. Last night he was cage surfing and just bouncing all over the place =3

Oh hai der!

Makeshift ramp...that makes a great slide...(he wasn't impressed)

Omg he is just precious♥♥

If he goes missing... It wasn't me who took him mmkay? :D
you can probably replace those ramps inside the cage with ledges. They seem to do a lot better with them, and its more natural. Plus wooden ones can be chewed :D

That is a gorgeous chin tho! Ive never seen one like that in person yet.
He's so dang sweet, too!! loves his snuggles, but I"m trying to get him to come out on his own, rather than me picking him up. Slow and steady!
you can probably replace those ramps inside the cage with ledges. They seem to do a lot better with them, and its more natural. Plus wooden ones can be chewed :D

That is a gorgeous chin tho! Ive never seen one like that in person yet.

I've only got ramps because I don't have enough ledges yet xD He does seem to enjoy running all over them, though. The cage is also like...5ft tall, and I'm afraid of him taking a jump from the top to the ramps xD
oh i had em in my cage when i first got a chin too.
I became a little less worried about in cage jumping around when i saw just what my chins were capable of tho lol.

I have one girl the will jump from first floor of FN cage right out to the floor.
I have one boy that can jump, from a complete stand still, 3~ ft up and balance himself on a extra cage wall i had blocking the rooms exit. (Incredibly thin!)
Then i had a different girl who was on the second floor of a FN cage. I was bent over cleaning the first floor when she went to the back corner and took a running leap out on to my back.... but she slightly miscalculated, as she flew through the sky well past me and down to the floor. Shocked and scared the **** outa me all at once. /panic

I still make sure they never have long jumps like that in there cage, but now i most definitely know that they are capable of it. Mine are little stunt devils; im just glad they didn't hurt themselves
He loves to scare me to death!! His newest thing is jumping from his bottom shelf straight out of his cage! Scares the poop out of me xD I think as he gets older and I see what he's capable of, I'll be more's just too cute to watch him run up and down them as fast as he can xD
Regarding ledges: When I upgraded Dessy's cage from the 1.5'x2.5'2.5' (ish) to the monster cage she has now, I still only had her old ledges. For the better part of a month the bottom half of her cage was nicely put together and the top half was a whole lotta nothing! Might be worth trying, especially since he's still small anyway.

Just a thought. :)

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