Anal Bleeding

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Parasites can be contracted through contaminated water or hay. So it may or may not have been from the vet. Have you had a fecal run? Any vet office can do that but make sure they check for giardia which is the most common for a chin to get. Believe it or not but there are still vets in my area that don't believe giardia is in our area so point blank they don't look for it.
Parasites can be contracted through contaminated water or hay. So it may or may not have been from the vet. Have you had a fecal run? Any vet office can do that but make sure they check for giardia which is the most common for a chin to get. Believe it or not but there are still vets in my area that don't believe giardia is in our area so point blank they don't look for it.

Seriously, they don't look for it? That's just stupid. That was actually the first thing the vet looked for when I brought my tortoise in. (And what Boris had.) Apparently he'd got it from his pen mate before I bought him. :/
No, I didn't have any fresh poo at the time and still no poo. As soon as I get some I will have it tested!
No more leaking or blood, but still no poo. She is starting to bloat up too. I am giving gas drops, feeding, she is on Reglan, she is still finishing the Flagyl, she gets out to run... I just don't know what to do anymore. I worry each time I go in the room that I will find her dead...
Has your vet done another x-ray recently to check for an obstruction or twisted/telescoping intestine? That is what comes to my mind esp with her bloating.It is possible that it could have happened at any time since the last x-rays.
So sorry to hear she is bloating again :( Its so weird that the vet didn't find anything helpful, but I would def count it as a good thing that she is no longer bleeding. At least you have been able to catch the signs of bloating early. Perhaps she will just have a few days of gas without it turning into full blown stasis again since you are already being proactive with the Reglan. So sorry you are having to deal with all this, especially since it looked like you were just out of the woods on the first round of GI issues and now this :(
Mercy, no I didn't take her back for an xray. This evening is the first time I have really felt her and thought she felt bigger than she should.

Asha, Thanks. I really am just at my wits end with her. Today is day 8 with no poo and day 3 with no blood/goo ... We got to day 10 last time before we got poo, but she never bloated this much. Trying to push the gas drops and massage, but beyond sticking her in the belly with a needle (joking) I dont know how else to get this gas out!
Skylar will be going back to the vet in the morning for an ultra sound. Tonight I started to see some stretching. She still got out and ran around the hall as if there wasn't a thing wrong with her though. Still no poop. She is peeing though. She is bloated up, but it isn't hard, its just big. Forcing those gas drops down! She took the last dose of Reglan I have and I found one dose of pain meds. Got her to eat some cut up hay mixed with pumpkin today and a little CC. Tried to do a warm compress, but she didn't care much for it. She doesn't mind the massage at all - I would think it would hurt and she would wimper some, but nope. Hopefully she survives the night and the vet has some ideas tomorrow.

Can she have TOO much Reglan? Like should I ask for more? She finished the Flagyl this morning.

This poor girl is 10 and there really can only be so much her poor body can take anymore.
Sky has been at the vet all day. They are taking xrays and doing lord knows what else. They haven't found any blockages or abnormalities. He does worry that with her age, her GI is just moving REALLY slow as it tries to catch back up. She shows lots and lots of gas, but thats it. She's hydrated and active. They are trying to come up with other ideas to get fiber in her since she still doesn't want to chow down on any hay. Praying that now the antibiotics are done that she will get her appetite back.

Today is the first day in a week that she hasn't gained any weight, which I see as good as it isn't more air developing.

Sept 29 she was at 606. Oct 3 she was down to 564. Today she up to 630. It has been a daily gain each time she started to look more balloon like.

So yeah. Gotta go pick her up at 5 and see what he has to say.
Just had to make one of those selfless decisions that you never want to make. I told the vet it was time to let Skylar go. This afternoon she started to prolapse her intestines so she went back to the vet. A large portion was already dead. He did find healthy intestines and put them back in, but we are pretty sure it would have just happened again if we didn't do a surgery she probably wouldn't have survived anyhow. She was 10. She put up a really good fight and she was alert and happy when she left, so that's how I will remember her.
Sorry for your loss Amanda :( I know you fought so very hard for her, and took such good care of her! Its such a hard decision to make, it was heartbreaking for me when I had to make that decision earlier this year too and I know its so tough. You did absolutely everything you possibly could. Take comfort it all the good memories you had with her, I can tell she was a very loved and well cared for girl!
Sorry for your loss Amanda :( I know you fought so very hard for her, and took such good care of her! Its such a hard decision to make, it was heartbreaking for me when I had to make that decision earlier this year too and I know its so tough. You did absolutely everything you possibly could. Take comfort it all the good memories you had with her, I can tell she was a very loved and well cared for girl!

Thanks Asha! I am going to try to get the pic the vet took of her just before they amputated her tail. Im so sad that I didnt get a good photo of her afterwords to remember her by. The vet office made a thing with her front feet impressions and clipped some fur for me.

I couldn't bare to be there and see her again. She was alert and happy when I dropped her off, so I wanted it to be that way. They had put her under to put the intestines back in so they just didn't wake her back up.
So sorry Amanda! You did so much for her, she was well loved, and I'm sure will be greatly missed.