Anal Bleeding

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You Have No Idea!
Jan 29, 2009
Central Texas
Can I please just get a break!!!

About to go to the aftercare emergency room with Skylar. After days of doing wonderfully, I find blood in the cage. She is bleeding from her booty. All I can think of is that there was some sort of blockage and she tore something, is trying to prolapse, heck I just don't know!
Oh no! Poor girl :( I was so excited for you when you said she was recovering. Let us know what they say!
Still here. Waiting for them to try to get their exotic vet on call to come in. UGH I HATE THIS! How does she do so well then this!

What good is it to have an exotic vet on call if you aren't answering your phone or even in town!!!
They are even calling ones who are not on call just to see if they can get someone to answer!
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I tried to do some searching for you, this is not an area I know too much about. I do know that anal bleeding can be caused from many different intestinal issues (infections, blockages, etc) that can crop up. They will probably do an x-ray to see if there is a blockage or if the intestines may have folded weird (somehow it can happen). They may also do a poo test to see if there is any infection/parasites. Wish I could give more information/better advice to you. I'm thinking maybe it could be that her intestinal flora are still off from being sick and due to being on antibiotics (which kills good and bad bacteria alike) and somehow its just really irritated in there?
Oh dear! I hope they get a hold of someone soon for you! That's so stressful! I hate that kind of stuff!
Thanks!!! I was trying to research too as I have never dealt with this either! It is like a thick discharge blood.

She has been off the antibiotics for awhile now... she has been taking probiotics too. Her poo has been all different sized but none that seemed really abnormal. Im just so confused.
Yeah I remember you saying you had given her probiotics along the way which should help re-balance everything in there (or so we would expect!!). I tried to google some information, but it seems difficult to find very much. I'm assuming you aren't seeing any prolapse symptoms like a part sticking out. So, I even tried to research if it is possible to have some type of prolapse further up in the intestinal tract. Apparently the intestines can fold weird sometimes like a telescope is how its described, but thats the only type of "prolapse" type thing I could find that could happen further up in the tract. I wish I could help better, but I know anything I find will probably be a shot in the dark since I'm not there and I'm not a vet of course.
I see NO signs of prolapse... unless it is going on inside!

It is just killing me not being able to do anything!!!

OMG This place is going to get SO many complaints from me! They need a reliable exotic on call! I didn't fight this hard for her to just bleed out bc no one can see her!!!!!
I hear you! I know you have given everything you have to help your girl over the last month or so! I just found an interesting thread about Baytril which I know she was on for a bit there. Mostly the thread is about oral vs. injection application. This one member, andreya said that their chin had some kidney issues with Baytril. The chin started having blood with the urine. After a couple of months off of the Baytril, the kidney values went back to normal. I know Skylar has been off the Baytril for awhile now, but maybe she is experiencing some lasting side effects. The thread is here..... When you get her seen, ask the vet if its a possible kidney issue or if that's possible. The reason I tell you this, is because when my girl was sick, she had a thick bloody discharge like you describe. At the time it occurred, I thought it was coming from her booty. Her fur was covered enough in the blood that's what it appeared to be in origin. The vet also agreed and thought she had an infection and she was put on antibiotics. In the end (a week later), we found out it was a kidney problem. I just happened to google about baytril and came across that thread, saw that someone experienced kidney issues with their chin on baytril, also looked at the symptoms that my girl had with kidney stuff, so I thought I would pass along the info so you can have the vet explore GI and also kidney stuff if they think its necessary (can't hurt to ask, I wish I had known more about kidney stuff at the time I dealt with it. I don't think its a common problem but can't hurt to mention it when you go). The thread just kinda grabbed my interest since you said she is still pooing, figured this could be a possibility instead?
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None of the exotics on call are returning phone calls!!! I finally talked to one Dr but he said she wasnt comfy seeing her and actually giving me good answers bc his work with chinchillas is limited. At least he was honest and didnt just want my after hours fees!

Been talking with my vet tech who talked to my regular vet via text and he said he called in some Metronidazole to the after care place and to give it to her. Due to the pussy nature, he is thinking more along the lines of infection in the gut and the blood is from serious irritation. He said to keep her in a confined area where it is quiet and to bring her in first thing in the morning.

Crossing my fingers that she survives the night.

And I will be finding out who I need to file a complaint with about none of the on call exotic vets being available! This is the second time this happened to me here!
So the vet has time to text but won't come in to see her? That is so frustrating. I am so sorry. I hope the meds help and she is ok.
My personal vet is the one who was texting... he was out of town.

She survived the night and I brought her to the vet first thing this morning. I had to be out of town for most of the day and my vet wasn't going to be in till this afternoon. I knew I could at least trust her to stay with my vet tech friend.

The vet could not find anything to explain what is going on! He said she isn't impacted, doesn't show signs of pain when he palpates, she took 10 ML of CC with no fight. The leaking of pussy looking blood was very minimal today.

He said to keep her on the antibiotics and make sure she eats. Otherwise we are all at a loss!
That is so strange that they did not find any explanation. Did they do any type of tests? Hopefully since the blood is minimal today it will continue to go away.
Dreamlite, Yes I am sure. I had a chin with pyometra years ago. This reminds me of it so much, but she doesn't do all the stretching that Kailani did with it.

Only thing I can try to be thankful for is that IF it is some sort of infection, she is getting it out of her body hopefully. Still found a new spot in the bedding tonight, but nothing like last night. Getting ready to get her out and feed her and give her some fluids.

All I can do is cross my fingers.
Chins dont all show the same symptoms. Your previous chin stretched, my rescue with a pyo just was less energetic, slightly off feed and a slight loss of weight. There was no major sign except the discharge which was how we diagnosed the pyo. Draining is a good sign but the bleeding is what concerns me. Im assuming she is still eating ok? Have you checked her weight?
Yeah, I know they are different symptoms with different chins. But this is 100% her anus.

It really just has a tint of the blood color now, but still some draining.

Her weight is down from last week, but I expected it to be after all this fluid loss. I am handfeeding again, which I hadn't had to do the previous 4 days as she was doing so well on her own. She's not as excited about it tonight, but is eating some. Pretty sure she is picking at her hay as well.

I will update again tomorrow. Hopefully I will see some improvements...
Today's update - She is still draining some, but appears to be less each day. Willingly doing the whole handfeeding this time around. Eating 10-15 Ml each feeding. No poop though since this started up. Ugh. Gonna get some more Reglan on Monday if nothing shows up this weekend. She went 10 days with no poo last time around, so I know it is possible.

I've been doing more research with discharge from anus instead of bleeding (since this is a thick discharge with blood in it) and I see more and more parasitic stuff. If this is a parasite, what could have done it?? Do you think just one round of feeds at the vet mixed with their unfiltered water would be enough?? I only give my chins filtered water. If it was at the vet, it was about 7 days after they fed her there.

Really trying to understand what is going on! Just praying I can pull her through this after the **** we've been through the last 2 months!
Wow, you are amazing for doing so much for this chin! Still hoping for a quick full recovery for her.