Air Conditioner maintenece- what do you do?

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Socially inept
Jan 29, 2009
North Idaho
I have a window unit and as you probably know they don't run cool if you don't keep it clean of fur and dust. I start by taking the removable filter and taking fur off with my fingers then I tap it outside and a bunch of dust flies off, sometimes I rinse the filter in cold water to further clean it. I keep a cheap paintbrush I only use on the A/C and brush the --I don't know what they are called, but they are behind the filter, those many vertical metal slices. Every couple of weeks I take a spray bottle and mist those as well, a bunch of gray water falls down. You don't need to worry about a damp filter or metal thingy's. And I use the paint brush to remove dust from the plastic slats on the front of the unit that you can see. The chins and all their dustyness really require a extra deep cleaning and your A/C will run colder and more efficient then ever. What do you do, am I missing any hints?
I vacuum the filter. I don't touch the metal slats (I don't know what they're called either), usually the rain washes them out until I decide to take the AC out and clean it fully with a hose.

I notice my AC slows down if I've left it on for a while, but all in all is pretty consistent. I sweep my room at least once a day and clean out Chloe's cage every morning to keep the dust and debris out of the air, though recently I think Chloe is blowing her fur, because I am finding fur everywhere!!
I cover mine with a 10" x 20" HEPA type furnace filter to keep the dust and fur out. In the fall I hose the front fins down, I found out the hard way that the fins will bend if you're not careful with them.

I'm not sure how old the unit is, at least 8 years and it is mounted in the wall. The fins have started to corrode but that may be due to age. Since adding the HEPA style filters it has run cooler and longer than previously. I don't think my backup has kicked on yet this year and we've had some 110 degree days.
Once a year the unit is removed and taken apart for a big cleaning on the inside with a hose, once a week I clean the filter and scrub down the fins.

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