Advice please!!!

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2013
Santiago, Chile
So.. I love in Chile (South America) and I have two chinchillas named Bruno and Freddie.. one from a local breeder and the other from a pet store where they fed him rabbit pellets, no hay, no toys, all plastic cage, so I had to rescue him. The only problem is that everything for chinchillas is EXTREMELY expensive here.. I mean.. one bag of Mazuri is 14 dollars, its crazy. I recently got a hold of Oxbow blue cloud, expensive but worth it. I can get lava ledges and good toys, expensive but still a neccesity.The thing is the only TIMOTHY hay they have here is Oxbow Timothy Hay stacks which is 22 dollars A BAG... ridiculous..

Good thing is I can get alfalfa for really cheap, its fresh, smells good, its good quality,etc. but Ive heard that it is not good to feed only alfalfa hay so I am buying the timothy stacks, but its extremely expensive.. is it ok if i give them alfalfa always and maybe every two days give them timothy so they get both?
I would really appreciate the help:)
These are the timothy stacks:
Try looking for local hay. Just look for horse quality hay that is either timothy or some kind of grass blend. Horse farmers will sell you a bale very cheap. That way you get a better price and better hay.
Perhaps you were under estimating the cost of supplies for chinchillas, I assume you are converting the cost to US dollars?. Unless the bag of Mazuri food is tiny then 14 dollars sounds within normal range for good quality chinchilla food, the Oxbow I feed my guys is about $17 a bag for a 5 lb bag. Also looking up the cost for those Oxbow Hay stacks, those are around $17 dollars here too, so $22 isn't that much of a stretch.
Some chins can have an issue with being fed only alfalfa if their pellets are alfalfa based too, since it's a lot higher calcium and protein then real hay. There are some rabbit foods that are cheaper and fine for chinchillas too such as purina rabbit chow show and manna pro, not sure if you can get either their though. As said too if you can find a local farm selling horse hay that is a lot cheaper way to go for hay, a whole bale will probably last a year if you have some place to store it.
I meant that a 2,5 lb bag of mazuri is 14$, and in the US i could get the same amount for around 8$.. Also its mazuri or living world which is full of unhealthy treats!
I will ask around to ser if I can get some horse quality hay. Its just annoying that its more expensive here and i probable waste double the amount of money that I did in the US.. But its worth it for the chins
Alfalfa is okay every few days but NOT every day. Mix it up with the timothy, at the very least it'll help your hay go further and overall, be cheaper. Also, I second finding a farmer locally. If you don't live in the city that may be an awesome alternative. I agree with timothy or grass blend.