A few questions

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2012
I have some willow and apple twigs in my chins cages. They have eaten all the bark off them, will they chew/ eat all of it, or do I replace them after they have done this?

I also have a bamboo shredder and loofa pieces and a loofa bunny in the cage, but they have shown no interest in them for the last 2 weeks. Should I take them out or just give them more time.

I bought some pumice pieces is it okay to give them to them at just over 2 months old? I did have a candy cane i think made of willow that they destroyed in no time. Any other suggestions for toys? They have hanging wood toys that they are starting to pay attention to.

Also do certain breeds eat more or grow quicker than others? One of my boys is growing like crazy. While the other 2 seem to be a lot slower. Also when will they reach their true color? They seem to be changing, can't wait to see how they will all turn out!

Lastly, do I offer them loose hay and hay cubes at the same time? or rotate?
Most over time will destroy the entire twig.

Maybe with all they have available they are just bored with certain items.

All chins grow and change in color shades at different rates depending on their genetic make up.

You can offer both hay cubes and loose hay at the same time but most will prefer the loose hay over the cubes.
I toss the sticks once the bark is removed-a toy that is not being chewed does no good in the cage and is not helping with grinding down the teeth-those toys I toss into the play pens which some how taste better there.