A few diet questions...

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Jul 10, 2013
  • Are "Oxbow Natural Science" vitamins a good idea? I have similar hay treats and was thinking if the vitamins were really beneficial I would just get those instead.
    (I use oxbow pellets and hay if thats relevant)
  • Should I start giving herbal supplements? I saw a packaged mix on the forever feisty chinchilla site and I'm curious. Also is it okay/good idea for the herbal supplement to be mixed with the oxbow stuff?

(side note) What is the best type of hay feeder? The one I have hangs and when Dexter pulls the hay out most of it falls on the ground and gets soiled. Obviously there will be waste but is there a specific shaped feeder that reduces it?

Thanks for the help!:)
I believe that chins should not need vitamin supplements if they are fed a correct diet with the exception of sick chins and pregnant and nursing females. I feed my boys a good quality timothy hay and pellets as staple, and then a wide variety of chin safe forage on a daily rotational basis, for example, raspberry leaf, plantain, echinacea and any more (all dry as opposed to fresh). Twice weekly they have a generous pinch of a chinchilla herbal mix on their pellets each, and once weekly they have a pinch of jumbo rolled oats (organic). Leaves and forage may help to maintain good dental health. Herbs are really good for chins, just make sure the ones you choose to give are chin safe, and feed everything in moderation. Introduce any new foods very slowly to avoid tummy upsets.
Hope this helps :chin3:
Regarding hay, a good quality timothy hay should be used as staple. That said, chins benefit from variety also. Maybe try a couple of herbal hays. Mine love dandelion hay, nettle hay and peppermint hay. Organic meadow hay and Readi Grass are also firm favourites.