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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. H

    Best friends<3

    My baby chin Juniper made a new friend today! While I was making the rounds this morning I went into feed the chins and unknowingly my kitten Josie joined me. I was feeding my one chin Liebe and I heard Juneiper chattering away. I looked over and her and Josie were sniffing each other and...
  2. H


    Okay so something I have questions on.. I am just breeding one pair of chins and im confused on when to take the father out or if I even should? Do I need to change the females diet? When exactly should I separate the kits? And lastly, When do I put the male and female back together? Thank you(:
  3. H

    Hello everyone(:

    Hey guys!! These are my adorable girls(: The standard grey is Liebe and the beige is Juniper. They have been such great pets I decided to get two more!! We get them next week. The one is a dark ebony and the other is an ebony white(: Im so excited to be extending my herd!! I will get a picture...
  4. H

    How good is your mad girl's aim....?

    Once my female standard sprayed me and im like "What just happened?!" LOL I was so stunned I guess. She hit the palm of my hand.
  5. H

    chin colors

    I have a standard grey, beige, dark ebony, and a white ebony. I really want a pink white!!
  6. H

    How did your furbabies get their names?

    OMG!! My baby Aya is from Scott Westerfelds Uglies series(: Meo is from a game my brother plays. Juniper is from the Percy Jackson series, and Liebe is German for love haha(:
  7. H

    Any tips?

    Hey guys!! I'm new to chin breeding and I need tips. I just bought a breeding pair. The female (Aya) is a 9 month old dark ebony and the male (Meo) is an 8 month old white ebony.
  8. H

    Bought 2 new babies today

    Adorable!! Congrats(:
  9. H

    How can I train my Chinchilla to let me pick him up.

    If you just bond with it he might come around. My first chin hated to even be touched. I worked with her every day and now I can pick her up long enough to get her from her cage to the playroom and back.