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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. R

    Okay you guys...

    I really need your help! For over a year I have been trying to convince my mom to buy me a chinchilla. She goes on and on about how she does NOT want to spend her money on another creature. However, for christmas I'm making for money of my own and I'm getting a job in January. So with my own...
  2. R

    Leaving your chinny?

    Hi guys this is a kind of random question, and it doesn't even relate to me...But! I was wondering, if you were to go away for a long period of time ( a couple months or so) and had to leave your chinny, when you came back, would it remember you? Would it act the same towards you as it always...
  3. R

    Do hedgies smell bad?

    My brothers girlfriend wanted one then decided she didn't want one because they have a "smelly" odor. Is this true or does it depend on the condition of the cage?
  4. R

    Downside to a female?

    The one thing that really pushed me away from wanting a male chinchilla is the responsibility of constantly checking for hair rings & fear of doing it wrong. But I do remember others saying males were nicer. So are there any "downsides" to owning a female chinchilla over a male?
  5. R

    Old over new?

    I was just wondering how come most of the time I read a thread on here about owners adopting an older chinchilla (1-5)? Do you seem to have a better experience with ones that were previously owned? Or would you rather have one from a young age like 8 weeks and up? Do they seem to like you more...
  6. R

    One vs. Two?

    While looking into buying a chinchilla, I've noticed it's harder to find a same sex pair than it is to find a mixed sex pair, or just a single chinchilla. Mainly I'm looking for a boy. I've yet to find two boys together that are bonded. Is having one chinchilla still okay? I know I would have to...
  7. R

    What's it like?

    So I'm a hopefully soon to be new chinchilla owner, & I was wondering, whats it like? Could you share the characteristics of your chinchilla? Best experiences, worst? Are they fun to play with? Are they mean? Tell me about your chinny! I've done soo much research, but instead of facts I'd like...
  8. R

    Breeders in PA?

    Hi everyone! I'm new to this site, so I had no idea where to put this. Please don't yell! I have looked all over for chinchilla breeders in PA within a 100 mile radius of Philadelphia. I found one breeder on Hoobly, but the sale is pending. I've been to chinnerchubs, but I can not pay the high...