Baby Bean Update

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2011
Bean is 1 week old today! ;D

She is now a wopping 62grams and is doing great. We just love her SO much! Having a baby chin was never in the plan but I am so glad she is here.

And more good news... Mocha still ISN'T a mommy! Each day that passes I get more relaxed that she didn't come to us in the same condition as Latte.

Some pics from this morning...

Look who is getting a bit of a chinchilla rump!

The happiest little girl on Earth!
I'm so happy Bean is doing so well! Your adorable daughter has an adorable friend! I bet she is very good with her!
Thanks everyone! Yes, my daughter is awesome with Bean! She is even using her as her science fair project! Her theme is how will Baby Bean grow and change. So she is weighing her everyday and we are measuring her (ok, really hard to measure a little wiggly baby chin!!!) Her 3 hypothosies are that she will get heavier, her ears will get bigger in relation to her head and her body will get bigger in relation to her head.

She is taking her own pictures of Bean everyday and has a little chart to record all her data.

It is just so stinking cute!
Awww, that's so cute! You should totally post a copy of your daughter's growth chart for us to see when it's done, I bet it will be adorable. What a great way to educate kids about chins :)