small poops

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Feb 2, 2009
I found some poops that are smaller than normal in the last few days, and I think that one of the chins maybe not having a good appetite last week (when I give her treats, she seems not interested) but right now I think she's normal again, she's eating normal, when I give her wooden sticks, she like it again.......

just wondering if it's normal that sometimes the chins not feel like eating?? or having treats??
Most of the time, I noticed, that when chins get smaller droppings like that it is because they are a little gassy or have some constipation. When they get like that I don't hesitate to give them simethicone mixed with maybe some life line to get them going again. It won't hurt her if you give him some baby gas drops or phazyme to help break up any possible gas bubbles in her tummy. The problem *could* resolve itself, but I don't like to wait to see if that happens.

Give her probiotic, as well. That will help get things back to normal more than most anything else. If you notice that she starts acting strangely or lethargic, you may want to take her to the vet. Gas, bloat or constipation can cause the smaller droppings and also cause a decrease in appetite, but so can many other things like infections.

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