UPDATE: Little Jimmy the crippled baby

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OMG! He just gets cuter as time goes on. Looks like he is doing great. I can't believe how well he gets around. He does the "Jimmy shuffle".
What a precious little darling baby.

If it was me I would have to keep him. But I know you will do what is right for little Jimmy.

Little Two Paws is just wonderful too. What special little creatures.
I've been meaning to update everyone on little Jimmy for a while, lol. I got busy with finals.

Wednesday night when I went to bed, Jimmy was just fine but I've been noticing his legs are pulling into awkward angles and causing him more and more pain. I woke up on Tuesday morning and when I pulled him out for cage cleaning, I turned him over and found a dried mess of blood where his back legs were supposed to be. I cleaned the cage and took him for cleaning and inspection. I'm not sure if it's entirely his mom but I'm thinking he's found a way to get at his legs because they're causing pain and that mom is helping him. After I cleaned away the dried blood and cut away a bunch of his fur, I found some bloody toes on one foot and the other foot had just been chewed raw. I cleaned both feet and bandaged the raw foot and put him back in with mom. I checked on him thirty minutes later and it appeared he was bleeding through the bandage, on closer inspection the tip of the bandage looked chewed. I pulled off the bandage...and his toes were gone on that foot. He appeared to be going into shock from the wounds. I debated back and forth whether to put him back with his mom, but decided in the end to leave him with her to get whatever comfort he could. I checked on him a few times throughout the night and he was still hanging in there and nursing under mom. I pulled him out this morning for a full body check and the bugger BOLTED away from me! So much for being in shock! I finally managed to catch his scooting butt and take a look. The foot where just the toes were bloody is completely gone. There's just a nubbin there now and the other foot that was raw is half gone. He's perky, more active and vocal this morning so I think despite the wounds he is feeling better because the pain of the actual foot being twisted oddly and dragged into awkward angles is gone. He's moving faster than I've seen him move in about a week and a half as well. I'm keeping a close eye on him and making sure his nubs stay clean.

I'll keep everyone updated...Jimmy will be 5 weeks on Sunday and he weighs in at 63g.
Well, I guess he and mom are fixing his little body to move on right, 63g at 5 weeks, amazing and going strong. Have to admire the little one.
Oh, Tabitha, I'm so glad he's doing better!!! My heart sank when I started reading your update. Little Two Paws and I both send him love and best wishes for a speedy recovery!!!
oh the poor boy. Awful that he or mom had to do that but i hope that having happened that he is free from pain. I hope so. Give him a big hug for me.
Just read this whole thread and little Jimmy really has stolen some hearts, he's such a sweetie and has such spirit. Keep us updated :)

Jimmy is continuing to have good and bad days. He is definitely helping his mom with his legs. He will smash hit butt into a corner and rock back so he can chew. :( His mom generally leaves it alone unless he is bothering his legs too much and then she comes in to help. I'm not 100% sure he will survive all of this. He is a little fighter but he is staying around the 65g mark. I'm going to start handfeeding to try and give him a bit of a boost. He has shown beginning signs of shock a few times now and they've chewed the nubbin farther, exposing bone. They've also chewed a few holes in the base of his tail. Please keep your fingers crossed for him.
I took Jimmy away from his mom tonight and I'm going to start hand feeding. Right now he's chewing on some oat hay and he's got a REALLY full belly from nursing on mom. I'm calling the vet in the morning. He said we can't amputate until he is 8 weeks, but at this point I will lose Jimmy to shock if his legs are not amputated. I also found in cleaning him tonight that he has bone exposed on both feet. I was also informed that Peggy had a 4 week old chinchilla that was operated on and survived. We'll see if the vet can see him on Saturday or Monday.



"Can someone tell my Momma to stop snapping pictures when I'm nom noming on hay??"