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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. Sheena

    Resucued a guinea pig-strong stomachs only!

    So, the other day after my friends bridal shower, we swung by her dad's house to drop some stuff off. On his porch was this little black guinea pig in a big, nasty, rusty dog crate. I asked him where it came from and he told me someone he knows dropped it off there because they didnt want it. He...
  2. Sheena

    Well this is a first for me...

    I found this add when I was browsing around on Craigslist. They are offering degus for sale and saying they are (mini chinchillas). I have never heard of them referred to as that. Anyone else ever heard of that or is this just someone trying to make their animals sound more exotic? lol. Either...
  3. Sheena

    How to deal with drinking problems??

    I am married, and got married about 2 years ago. My husband and I have been together for over 5 years. He drank a lot when we first got together, but I partied with him on the weekends. We are both growing up now, and the drinking is causing a real problem for our marriage. I just don't know...
  4. Sheena

    I need some suggestions/help

    Hey guys, I am doing a research paper for my biology class in college, and chose to write about chinchillas because I know about them. The only problem I am having is finding some scholarly sources of information. I know there are a lot of people out there who claim to be experts, but I am...
  5. Sheena

    Wedding pics from my wedding last august

    So, I figured I would post some pics of my wedding because it was in August, and I haven't posted any yet. lol. We got married on August 16th, 2008.
  6. Sheena

    I got a Tattoo!

    So, I figured fellow animal-lovers would appreciate the tattoo I just got today. :) It is pretty shiny because of the stuff I have on it, but I love it!! It really didn't hurt that bad-I got it on the back of my right shoulder. It is kind of hard to see very well from the pics, but our lighting...
  7. Sheena

    Folding rib cage...

    Hey all, I was just posting because I have heard many things about chinchillas' "folding ribcages" and have never been quite sure if it was true. When I first got my chinchillas from a pretty reputable breeder (not gonna mention names), they told me that it is safer to hold the chinchillas by...
  8. Sheena

    So Excited! Surprise getaway!

    So, my husband came home from work last night, being very lovey, and asked for the calculator. I was kinda confused, because I always do all of our record keeping for the bills and stuff, but he said he was figuring out how much extra money we have to spend to go somewhere this weekend-just the...
  9. Sheena

    Breeding white to white

    Hi, like it was said earlier by someone else, I no longer own chins anymore, but am asking for new members ' sake. Anyways,... Why is it that you cannot breed a white chinchilla to another white chinchilla? I have heard about a fatality factor? How can this affect my female and the babies??