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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. L

    Green Pea & Duck

    I wasn't sure if I should post this here or on Hedgie Health. I'm trying to change my new baby from her kitten mix that she was on when I picked her up, to a healthier food mix. The first week, I added Blue Buffalo Spa Select Weight Control. She loves it and seemed to handle it fine...
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    Introducing Bridget!

    Thanks everyone! Well, I taped down the liner last night and she wheeled. I checked on her several times during the night and found her wheeling. She can really get going! She was sleeping in her igloo this morning. I'm thinking that she was used to the wood shavings before and has been...
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    Introducing Bridget!

    I would like to introduce you all to our new hedgehog, Bridget! Our precious Lucy passed away in April after an illness. We decided to bring home a new baby. We got her from Double S Hedgehog Ranch. My girls named her Bridget and she has been with us for about a week now. She has an...
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    Hedgehog wheel?

    I just received my Carolina Storm Wheel in the mail. I have not picked up my new hedgie yet though, so I can't tell you how the wheel works. I can just tell you that the customer service is great! I have heard really great things about the wheel though (otherwise I would not have bought one).
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    Lucy April 2006 - April 2010

    Thank you everyone. We've had a rough day here.
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    Lucy April 2006 - April 2010

    Today I helped my dear, sweet Lucy cross the rainbow bridge. She has been sick for a couple of months with tumors by her front leg and bladder. We tried treatment, but decided to let her keep living her life as long as she seemed able without continued treatment. She allowed me to handle...
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    Heat wave - 59 +

    I, for one, am happy for a bit of warmth after our cold winter. Actually, I should say, it's a typical Wisconsin winter. It'll get cold again, I'm not concerned about the warmth staying or any foolishness like that. Anybody who is worried about "global warming" is more than welcome to come...
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    daily multivitamin

    I don't take a multivitamin, only calcium with vitamin D and extra D because I'm very deficient in my Vitamin D3 (as determined by blood tests). I also take glucosamine chondroitin for my knees as recommended by my doctor. So I take Caltrate twice a day and then 2,000 more IUs of Vitamin D3...
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    What Are You Currently Reading?

    I'm trying to get through Double Take by Catherine Coulter. I've never read anything by this author before. I'm having a tough time getting through this one. Maybe I chose one of her worse books, I don't know...anyway, I keep slowly making my way through. I'm interested in seeing how she is...
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    I've been a member for about 3 months now. I enjoy it.
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    David Tennant leaving Doctor Who!

    Total X-Files fan, and I watched Millenium while it was on. I was starting to think I was the only one who did watch that one though!
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    David Tennant leaving Doctor Who!

    You are right, he is a bit odd looking.... I was reading that he will be younger than Peter Davison, and I was not a fan of Peter Davison... And yes, he is the 11th Doctor, so what happens when they get to the 13th? I have never seen Torchwood. I have seen in Doctor Who where they have...
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    David Tennant leaving Doctor Who!

    I'm so bummed out about this one! I just was reading this online and it maybe old news already, and I may have missed it being posted on the old board, but I just love him as the Doctor! I know we had some Doctor Who fans on the old board...
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    Fleece Liners: the good, the bad, the snuffly

    I use liners here. I made the choice because of my family's allergies and asthma. Lucy seems to be pretty happy with them. She is litter box trained though. She does like to burrough though, so I put some fleece strips and a small blankie for her to dig and burrough down into. She does...
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    Hi from Wisconsin!

    Glad to see the site is back up! I have 1 hedgehog, Lucy, who will be 3 in April. Lucy is getting over an infection (an abscess) and is still losing some quills because of it. Besides my hedgehog, I have 2 beautiful daughters and my husband. Good to see everyone again!
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    Anyone else have cnq withdrawal?

    Hey everyone! I know I was checking everyday, then stopped checking for a couple of days and then *poof* it was back! :wave: