What's wrong with my hedgehog?!

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My hedgehog, Burbank, is acting very strange. He is not sleeping in his little home, but instead out in the open. His eye is swollen, and he won't eat, therefore he is losing weight rapidly. He is wobbly, but I don't think it's Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome. I think he's just weak from not eating. He's even having trouble climbing into his wheel. What should I do?
You need to find a veterinarian that treats hedgehogs. From what you are describing there seems to be a lot going on with your little one and immediate veterinary attention is needed.

If your hedgehog isn't eating you will need to syringe feed him. Fatty liver disease can quickly set in with hedgehogs that are not eating.

Is your hedgehog drinking? Dehydration can cause wobbliness. If it is determined your hedgehog is dehydrated, ask you veterinarian to give it a sub-q of fluids.

I'm sorry your little one is having so many troubles. Hedgehogs hide illness pretty well, so by the time they start to show symptoms, veterinary attention is needed.

If you need help finding a veterinarian, let us know where you are located, and someone here may be able to point you in a good direction.

Good luck.
I just noticed that he's yellowing on his belly as well. That's a sign of fatty liver disease, correct?

I'm located in Highlands Ranch CO. Anyone know of a good hedgehog vet nearby?
Here is a listing for vets in CO: http://hedgehogcentral.com/vetcolorado.shtml

I'm not certain about the Denver area, but I have several friends in Co Springs and can get recommendations from that area.

Yellowing, is it just the fur or the skin? Yellowing could be caused by urine stains. If he isn't moving much he could be urinating and laying in it.
Yeah, you're right, it was just urine. I gave him a bath this morning, and syringe fed him tonight. He seems to be doing better, but I scheduled a trip to the vet Tuesday.
Tuesday is too far away. He needs a vet soon.

Here are a couple of recommendations for you:

Dr. Russell Welfare, call him at 719-282-1222. Russell is in the Co. Springs area. He is the veterinarian that Picky Hedgies (breeder in Co Springs) uses.

Also, look at www.aemv.org (Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians). There are two clinics seeing hedgehogs in towns adjoining Highlands Ranch, one in Littleton at (303) 948-5000 and one in Golden at (303) 279-9182.

Also, I emailed Standing Bear at the Flash & Thelma Memorial Hedgehog Rescue in Divide and he told me that just to the east in Centennial there is Dr. Jerry LaBonde who, from what he understands, has seen many hedgehogs. His number is (303) 771-7350.