Travel to US with Chins

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Jul 24, 2022
Hello everyone🌞 my name is Stanislava and I am Ukrainian, being 2 times refugee. But the topic is different, right now me and my 11 years daughter are going to move to US from Germany, our flight is 28 th of July from Berlin to Newark. And we have 2 beautiful little chins, they both are 1 year old. And may be somebody could advice the regulations, I can’t find exact information. I don’t want to leave them behind and I am just afraid they could be confiscated in the Airport in US. Please if somebody aware will appreciate any kind of information.
I have never done it myself, but there does seem to be information online with the US customs and border patrol site.
Chins shouldn’t be an issue from the looks of it but they advise contacting the airport/port of entry facility prior to arrival for information. They may have a US customs department there you can get a hold of to ask for advice on preparing for your chinchillas arrival and what you should do for them prior to coming. They also recommend contacting the airline you will use prior and ask about bringing chinchillas. I would even attempt to get a vet note for each chin saying each chin is healthy (clean bill of health).

How to safely transport them is another story—someone else here might have advice for that. I am always nervous putting chins anywhere but the plane cabin.
Hello and welcome. I hope you're bringing them with you. Did you have any issues bringing them to Germany?
Hello everyone🌞 my name is Stanislava and I am Ukrainian, being 2 times refugee. But the topic is different, right now me and my 11 years daughter are going to move to US from Germany, our flight is 28 th of July from Berlin to Newark. And we have 2 beautiful little chins, they both are 1 year old. And may be somebody could advice the regulations, I can’t find exact information. I don’t want to leave them behind and I am just afraid they could be confiscated in the Airport in US. Please if somebody aware will appreciate any kind of information.
Hello Stanislava, can you give us updates on your chins?
While this thread is about a year old, I can give you some general pointers. First off, it's important to check the specific regulations and requirements for bringing pets into the US. Each country and airline might have their own rules, ya know?
To ensure a smooth journey for your furry friends, make sure they have up-to-date vaccinations and any necessary health certificates. It's always a good idea to contact the airline you'll be flying with to get the lowdown on their pet policies. They'll guide you through the process and let you know if any special paperwork or crates are required.
And hey, speaking of flights, check out business class flights for your journey. They offer a super comfy and luxurious experience that'll make your trip even more enjoyable. Good luck everyone!
First off, big props to you for your resilience and bravery through everything. Moving can be daunting, let alone across continents. I totally get your concern about your furry friends. When I moved with my pup, I found checking directly with the airline helped ease my worries. They usually have specific guidelines for traveling with pets. Also, have you considered reaching out to the USDA? They often have info on import regulations for pets.
First off, big props to you for your resilience and bravery through everything. Moving can be daunting, let alone across continents. I totally get your concern about your furry friends. When I moved with my pup, I found checking directly with the airline helped ease my worries. They usually have specific guidelines for traveling with pets. Also, have you considered reaching out to the USDA? They often have info on import regulations for pets.
P.S. As for your move from Germany, db fahrplan might be useful for sorting out your journey details. Good luck!