
Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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I got my hedgie about three weeks ago and he's very sweet, but I've heard that sneezing is a horrible thing from a hedgie because it might me pneumonia, or it might be stress, so he sneezed the first week I got him and I figured it was the stress of the move, but since then he's sneezed twice more, I'm probably over reacting but I just want to be sure, should I do something? Also, he wont eat any veggies :\ should I just keep giving him chicken as a treat or is there another way to get him to have the veggies?
Hedgehogs will occasionally sneeze. The cause could be a little dust or a fuzzy got in their nose while they were burrowing. Frequent sneezing is not normal though.

Hedgehogs can be resistant to new foods. Your best shot is just to keep trying. Which vegetables are you trying on him and how are they prepared? I have found that some like mashed vegetables, and others like them diced.
My hedgehog hadn't been fed anything but her kibble before I got her so she was resistant to try veggies and meal worms. However, I learned that if I cut the vegetable in a really small size (no bigger than her own food) she tried it and loved it! now she will try to eat them at any size.

After she started eating vegetables more, she finally tried a mealworm, and they are now her favorite. :D
Sometimes if you go for the sweeter veggies, you may have some luck (sweet potatoe, yam). I also find that if I mix chicken and mealies (of which I do have success with) with a few veggies, sometimes they'll get eaten.