Safe Cat Liter

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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What brands of cat liter is safe to use for a liter trained hedgie?
Most people steer clear of kitty litter and use other substrates:
paper towels - any brand
Carefresh (provided hedgie doesn't try to eat it)
Yesterday's News

Personally, I go for paper towels - they're the easiest to clean up and seem to work best for hedgie; eg, no particulate matter caught between quills or falling on the floor, no dust that could affect respiratory function...

ETA: Ohh, hey, Canandaigua :) I was back there this summer. Nice to see a familiar place pop up on the screen. Hope you're enjoying your giant Wegman's!
Ohhh! Okay I will get rid of it. I have Carefresh Natural bedding so I'll use that.

Haha yes I love Wegmans just not how expensive they can be.
Are you from somewhere near here?
Sounds like a good plan. Is your hedgie actually litter trained? Mine are sort of hit or miss on the whole idea. I'll get a few weeks in a row where they'll go in the right spot, then a few months exclusively outside the litterbox... *sigh*

Yeah, grew up in Western NY/Fingerlakes region and head back each summer to visit people and places around Canandaigua, Rochester, and Buffalo. And, of course, stop at the Wegman's ;) Though, true... they can be pricey... I used to shop at Tops when I lived in NY.
Yea he goes in there all the time. Sometimes he will miss the liter box but for the most part he goes in there every time. I have one of the corner ferret liter boxes so they work pretty good. He seems to not mind it.

This place is only good in the summer! I hate NY winters.:cold: