Not sure of his diet before

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The only things I find for chins are at the pet store. Yes, the ones selling pets. yuk. It is either that or nothing.

I am on the look out to see if somewhere else there are things, like his dust, I can buy somewhere else.

As for the food, I already have a rabbit so they will share the timothy hay, orchard hay and a tad of alfalfa
pellets I am not sure if I should give him (the chin ones) because I have no clue of his diet before) .
I go the safe route with only hay but I know he should have a more complete diet.
Any tips are welcome here.
Thank you
There are quite a few members here that sell all sorts of chin safe things. From food , dust to toys. Just look under the for sale thread to find them (or do a search as well).

I would order him some good quality chinchilla pellets so that you can get him off the junk food asap. A few days won't be to bad but I would not put off buying the better food.