Is this blood...?

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So I noticed that Spike had a brown spot in the middle of his urine blotch on the paper towel... I always use paper towels to make sure I catch something as early as possible. It's clearly not red, but I'm not sure when he actually peed--- there's no poop on that spot either. I don't know if blood turns brown in urine or if it would stay red...

I'm worried that maybe I didn't notice this before amidst paper towels covered in poo bits and pee?

He's a boy... so it's definitely not uterine.
Blood does get kind of a brownish look in urine.. but i know with people, brown urine is a sign of liver failure - i'm going to assume the same would apply to animals. I would definatly check up on this one if it continues.
Blood in urine for humans can be a sign of liver, kidney, reproductive, or anything in between problems. Maybe go to the vet if not just to gain peace of mind if it happens again. Also post pics.
I'm going to have him checked out anyway... no pictures as of yet, because as soon as I posted, there was absolutely no brown spots in his urine at all.

However, I'm leaning towards poopy foot stains right now.

Vet appointment in the AM...
Vet suggested I wait until/if it happens again. She's not convinced it's blood from my description... just happened again tonight. Here's what it looks like... is this indeed blood? I'm bringing him in for a urine culture tomorrow.

This is also much much darker than what it really looks like. The color of the surrounding paper towel is actually yellow--- like normal urine color. It's just this splotch in the center that's brown.

The reason I'm not convinced it's blood either is because it's waaaay too concentrated in the center... I feel like if it's blood from his urinary tract, it should be spreading out more on the paper when he pees.


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Not seeing it in person is difficult to tell but it could be. There almost looks to be a rusty brown edge to the urine stain which blood in the urine can show even if the actual urine area is not pink tinged.

Old blood is rusty brown coloured, fresh blood is pink or red depending on the concentration.

It is very possible to have a urinary issue and have yellow looking urine with a pink, red or rust spot in the middle.

My Kei had a very low grade UTI one time presenting with sporadic pink urine, dark spots both pink and rust coloured, rust coloured edges to her urine and most of the time, nothing. We had sterile urine draws done and blood never showed up in her urine nor did bacteria. She was put on two type of antibiotic neither which worked but a sensitivity could never be done because bacteria never showed up.

Finally as a very last resort she was spayed even though the vet and we were certain this was not a uterine issue. It wasn't. A perfectly healthy uterus was removed and she continued with the sporadic bleeding.

Finally, the vet suggested Hills C/D. It changes the ph of the urine making it hospitable to bacteria. One can later and no more blood and she never had the problem again.

Since Spike's can possible uterine it narrows down the problem. I'd have a sterile urine sample drawn and checked and go from there. If nothing shows up, try a can of Hills C/D.

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