Freaking out here!!!

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So I just bought a hedgie 5 days ago, it is my first one I ever own. He is 4 months old, I just saw some red bumps next to his face and over his eyes. I am really freaking out here, some people say it can be him quilling because he did start itching a lot lately can anyone plz help thnx
Can you post a picture? Quilling doesn't cause red bumps unless it is an ingrown quill and chances of there being more than one is slim.
What is this

Hey guys I just bought a hedgie 5 days ago, it is 4 months old and today I was playing with him all of a sudden i see red bumps on him, I am freaking out wanting to know wtf is this. Everything is clean the cage the recycled news paper bag food water, everything is fresh here is two pictured plz let me know what could it be.
Plz let me know what this might be
thank you
I merged two threads together, so that all the information is in one place.

From the images you posted, those do not look like quilliing problems. You need to take your little one into a veterinarian and have them examined. Those spots look like they have become infected.

This could be the result of a bad allergic reaction, bacterial infection, etc. There are lots of possibilities and a veterinary visit should help determine the nature of the problem and hopefully the cure.

Good luck! And please update us on what you find out.
Okay so it ends up being a couple of ingrow quills, they told me to give biceps a bath and brush him itll help his skin and he will feel comfort, as for the pus they said the brushing might help cleaning that... What do you guys think ?? and should i use aveeno shampoo and a toothbrush ??
Mine had a similar problem, but we went a different route than you posted. I'm actually surprised at the recommendation.

When it's red like that, it's a sign of infection. For mine, that meant antibiotics. My hedgie had to be put under and the vet had to go in and clean up the area - amongst the pus, she found a rather stringy quasi quill that we believe was the cause of all the mess. Had the vet not gone in to find it, we think the problem would have continued/worsened for my little one.

I've read of other cases of ingrown quills - not sure if they always required antibiotics... I'm hoping one of our hedgie gurus will chime in soon. But brushing the hedgie... that just doesn't sound right. You do not want to try and pop them like a pimple on your own either - that will just push the infection deeper into your little buddy.
Ok so the swelling did decrease from yesterday but i think he scratched one of the pimples next to his head but all the other ones decreased do you think i should just let him self heal ?
I've never heard of brushing before...I think antibiotics would be a good idea. If there is no noticable improvement by tomorrow, I suggest you check with the vet again. However it sounds like it is healing a bit. Let us know how it goes. And with anything, if it gets any worse, go back to the vet or get another opinion.