Chin front teeth

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I called and asked his vet tech and she said the tool is actually a human nasel dialator-its used to remove objects from the nose, the one he has has the fiberoptic light and magnifying glass.
Thanks Dawn, I'll tell him. He asked if they used the cheek spreader along with the tool to hold the mouth open, it starts with an s, speculum or something like that?? He thought if you didn't use the cheek spreader that the inside of the mouth would get in the way.
Vit E is fine for chins. When a chin is put under and filed a cheek spreader and a dialator are used to expose the oral cavity, this item is used for a quick bur or to get a good look inside a awake chins mouth.
Vit E is fine for chins. When a chin is put under and filed a cheek spreader and a dialator are used to expose the oral cavity, this item is used for a quick bur or to get a good look inside a awake chins mouth.

I'm stupid or dense today, just running this back by you to see if I am getting this, you use just the nasal dialator for not putting them out, if so, can you get a point on a molar? How do you get their mouth open, just hold it?

He did check the back molars, said they look good, the incisors were so long he thought the molars were not even meeting, no wonder he couldn't eat well. But, I don't know if he could have gotten anything back there without the mouth being held open if we needed to get a point.
The tool end is cone shaped, the end is slipped into the mouth, then a button was pushed and it spreads open getting the cheek pouch away from the teeth for a good view, its not meant to be in there for long, just to do some quick work or a peek. The point on Lu's tooth was removed in seconds and total the item was in his mouth for maybe a min tops.
I am calling the vet Monday with the information, thank you!!!!!

Question: Will he ever chew wood again? Is that the only way to get his incisors worn down? He was quite the chewer before all of these teeth trouble. He loved the coconut shell we have in the cage. We also got the wood pieces for chins, and a chin house, that he would eventually demolish! So far, no wood chewing. We got him out and let him run the stairs, he usually goes and tries to eat the baseboards. He didn't even try today. Not that I want him to eat the baseboards...... but it isn't normal.
It was only for back teeth. My two dental chins who do not have full blown malo just a couple of teeth that are out of alighment in the far back of the mouth and need to be filed every 4-6 months or so recover and resume eating in a couple of days and start chewing in around 7 days, they do not drool when filing time comes, they just slow down eating and I notice. The full blown malo chins I have had never chewed and had limited ability to eat, I fed them all their daily ration of food.

If this is the first time he has been filed its rough on the chin so it does not suprise me he is reluctant to use his teeth, its a learing curve for 1st time filed chins and can take longer for them to resume normal duties.

This past weekend, he (Quito) started eating hay ravenously!!!! Hooray!!! And the rose hips!! It took about a week and a half after the incisors were trimmed for him to eat reliably. Here and there we still have to give him CC, for some reason he goes on strike with eating, I can tell because all of the hay and pellets are still there in the morning. I knew something was wrong after the first filing.

Thank you all for the help!! Fingers crossed we are done with this (at least for the time being)!
Well done, Quinto :thumbsup:
He may well have taken a few days to get used to his 'new' bite after his incisors were burred down. Fingers crossed he continues to improve for you.