advice on post-op care

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hi, i'm looking for tips and advice for my chin. she had a spay on tues beacause she had pyometra and i have her confined to the bottom of her 3 level cage when can i let her expand to at least the second level? and when can she have a bath i'm guessing 7-10 days. she chews at that bars she wants out and she desperately any suggestions?

Hi, my Poppy had an emergency spay because of pyometra as well. The recovery process does take a long time. Poppy had no baths for three weeks, and I didnt put her shelves back into her cage until one month after the surgery. Any earlier and she could have torn the stitches or gotten dust into the wound which would have caused an infection. Its much better to err on the side of caution in this situation.
Poppy was very impatient to be out as well, but I just had to ignore her when she chewed at the bars. If I gave her attention for bar-chewing, then she just did it all the more.
Just take things slowly with your little girl. Best of luck to you both xxxx
hi there, thanks for the info. cocos cage is 3 levels and i put in 3 pine ledges, can she go up and down her ramps soon to the other levels and i just take out the wood pine ledges? its seem so tough to keep her in such a small area when she seems to be doing so well.

You really should limit her movement while she has the stitches in her so that she doesn't rip it open so no levels for now is what I would do. I would also take out the pine ledges. No jumping around so that its less risk of opening up stitches.

I have another post-op care question though of a different nature. Bria will be going under anesthesia Tues. and I was wondering what to expect of her actions asides sluggish?
She's getting x-rays done as the vet noticed that her bottom molars have a weird slope in them so it x ray time and she's getting blood work for potential problems as she has some off poops.
yes the vet did use disolving stitches and she has'nt touched them it's looking really good, and as far as the anethesia she seemed to be fine, i was lucky though, the vet sends animals home at the end of the day same day of a spay,she phoned me and said she was alert just like when she arrived but i was really paranoid about the first 24 hours so the vet gave me a break and took her home.(free of charge) she is awsome. so it seeems they will be alittle drowsy for a short while then spring to life.
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