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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. M

    What kind of toys keep a chinchillas mind active?

    I've read that it's important to provide your chin with toys that are chewable and toys that keep your chinchillas mind active. However when thinking about it, I have no idea what keeps a chinchillas mind active. The only thing I can think of is treat dispensers, where they have to press a...
  2. M

    When will chins start interacting with you?

    I've finally chinchilla proofed my room, before I had to let them both play in a playpen (which had to be reinforced many times, they're such escape artists) and I couldn't sit in there with them, I haven't had much chance to interact with them, they've jumped on my hand and stuff before, only...
  3. M

    When is the right time to try handle my chinchilla?

    I've had them both 4 days, one of them (tina) is extremely shy, she sometimes comes to sniff my hand inside the cage but sometimes she hides whenever I put it in. I started with feeding them treats through the cage bars after talking to them. Albus is great, he started coming to take treats out...
  4. M

    I have 2 sister chinchillas with completely different attitudes and personalities

    How do I bond with them both? Albus (im aware albus is a boys name and its a girl chinchilla but i like it okay) is really curious, I've only had them 3 days but theyve both took food from me behind the cage bars, Tina, the shy skittish one, took a bit more time than albus but she still hides...