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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. JaeTea

    Suspension Bridge

    Anyone know of a vendor on here who sells (or can make me) one of these twig bridges?
  2. JaeTea

    Bloody Foot - Me: 0 Foot: 2

    Tonite I went to take Lilly out of her cage to put some bag balm on her feet. I noticed a couple of drops of blood near her feet. Great. I took her out and sure enough her foot had dried blood on it. Then when cleaning it, some white puss came out. So now she's going on the baytril. I soaked...
  3. JaeTea

    My chin has fur issues, molting?

    I've noticed my one chin looks like she's molting. There's random pieces of hair ready to fall out and her hair just looks horrible in general, especially compared to her sister. There also seems to be random lines going through her back fur, as if its uneven. Is there anything I can do to...
  4. JaeTea

    Chin-proof play area suggestions.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on creating a "chin proof" play area for you chins? I'd love to take them out and let them run around for a few minutes every day. Letting them loose in my room (or any room in my house) isn't realistic.
  5. JaeTea

    Vet trip..interesting advice

    I took Lilly to the vet today because of a bleeding paw. Before the vet even looked at her she discussed Lilly's diet, home, bedding, etc. She mentioned Lilly is overweight and could be one source of her foot issues. The vet gave me a print out that recommends giving the chins unlimited...
  6. JaeTea

    Bleeding foot! again...

    My one chin "Lilly" had a problem a month ago where her one pad was bleeding pretty badly. It eventually stopped bleeding after a few days and she's been fine ever since. This morning I woke up to see the wood shelves covered in blood spots again.:( From the suggestion of the wonderful...