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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. liewwan

    2012 Chinchilla Halloween Contest

    Hi Everyone, I'm having a Chinchilla Halloween Contest. This is open to the public, so please feel free to enter your chins. Get creative and have fun. Contest and voting ends on 10-31-12. Good luck to everyone...
  2. liewwan

    Which hay do you like more?

    Even though I can get 2nd cut hay from local farmers here, I just want to go back to plain 2nd/3rd cuts timothy hay vs mix. I basically have 2 options to go and that's either Farmer's Dave or KMS. If you have ordered from these places before and had a bad experience please let me know. I...
  3. liewwan

    Chinchilla Christmas Wish list from Santa.

    I want to do something fun and special for all of my chinnies this year including the rescues. So far I got them fiddle stick bridge, will make 2 hanging toys for each cage. The tough one is for my 3 months old bv since he can't really have treats. :banghead: Soooo if you were a chinchilla...
  4. liewwan

    Bamboo Feeder

    So I wanted something different bowl for my chins. I've read that bamboo splinter easily, then I've seen that bamboo is a safe wood based on this What's your take on this bowl...
  5. liewwan

    How to Pedigree kits

    Finally I got the Pedigree info on my girl's parents. Here's a picture of the papers. I did use Nicolle's link to see if I can match it back to the original breeders with the tag number. So if I'm correct the parents are from Summers birds and chins. Dam's linkage goes back to Doug Wilson's...
  6. liewwan

    Hope, Grace & Faith's update

    As some of you remember, I'm fostering 3 rescues. I thought I'll post some updated pictures for you guys to see their progress along with their current status. Hope (mosaic): Is now off CC. She is eating pellets and hay just fine on her own and poo is looking more normal. Of course there...
  7. liewwan

    Pewie's happy moment

    I would like to introduce you to my baby boy Pewie. He's going to be 3 months old on the 18th this month. Hope you guys enjoy the video, got leg lifting scrinchy moments and loads of popcorns lol.
  8. liewwan

    Need 2nd Opnion if Faith is a female or a male

    I posted up another picture of Faith (one of the rescues) private part on here and someone says it looks like a male's private. My understanding that the male's private part should have a little gap between "it" and the anus. However when I looked at Faith's, it's side by side with the anus...
  9. liewwan

    Minnesota chins rescue update & pictures

    As some of you may know. There were 3 chinchillas(2 females and 1 male) that are all stained up, a mosaic somehow is yellow and brown tail. A lot of people had chipped in to pay for their fees, which I want to say on the behalf of these 3 thank you very much for your donations. Both Hope...
  10. liewwan

    Timothy Pellets

    Normally I give compressed timothy pellets as a treats wise. These pellets are like the size of an eraser on a #2 pencils. I just found out that there is a mill north of me that sells the same pellets in 50 pound bags. Now my understanding is timothy pellets is nothing but just compressed...
  11. liewwan

    MN chin owners FREE GRAPE VINES

    Sorry mentors don't know where to put this. Ok here's the deal, there is 15 acres of grape vines that needs to be pulled and trimmed. This will be done Sunday, so get up early. I'll be leaving the Twin Cities to head up to the farm very early Sunday to get a head start, Carpool works great...
  12. liewwan

    Wood Crazy!!!!!

    I idea of getting wood from orchards from someone. After many phone calls, I located a organic orchard that carries grape vines, apple wood and pear wood. Guy told me I can have all the wood/vines I want as long as I help him trim. I'm getting my saw and clippers ready. It's amazing how we...
  13. liewwan

    Powder probiotics in water?

    So yesterday my boys decide to give me false alarm with poo issue. Now my girls want the same attention, this time not so false alarm. Found some few dark ROUND poo and also smaller round poo. All the poo are much smaller than usual. I already pulled their feed and added an extra water...
  14. liewwan

    Squirt almost gave me a heart attack!

    It all started yesterday morning when I checked on the chins. The boys cage had barely any poo compare to the girls cage (normally it's equil or even so the boys got more poo). So I started freaking out and checking if the food and hay was eaten (yes it was like usual). Checked if all the...
  15. liewwan

    Marble slab secure on a ledge in the cage?

    Has anyone tried to put a marble slab that can fit into a wooden ledge/shelf with edges to prevent falling? I'm concern on the weight it will add to the ledge. I have the fn, but still concern if the bars will hold that much weight all at once. I don't know how my chins are moving their...
  16. liewwan

    Peppermint for chins???

    I have a LOT of peppermints growing in my back yard, my garden is a all organic and no pesticides is used. Now I know I can't offer this to them fresh, but what about drying them and in smaller pieces? Is that safe for them? I did some search and saw an online website sells them and says this...
  17. liewwan

    Hay fever

    Last month I ended up starting to buy timothy hay by bales. Now of course after I loaded the 3 bales of hay, I decided to ask about 2nd cuts and was told it'll be harvested in 3 weeks. Now of course I'll want the 2nd cuts, vs the 1st cut. I thought of an idea to sell it off ebay by boxes...
  18. liewwan

    How much do you spend on your chin(s) monthly?

    I've always wonder if everyone is like me, who can't stop shopping for my chins. I spend close to $400 a month for 4 chins. Now of course I'm one of those that HAS to change the bedding everyday on 2 fn 142 so I go through A LOT of bedding. So on average, how much do you end up spending every...
  19. liewwan

    Nails trimming?????

    So surfing around ryerson's web site and I saw these clippers that look like nail clippers. I've always thought that providing lava ledge it helps with keeping their nails trimmed and each cage have 3 lava ledge in them. Their nails still seem sharp. So am I suppose to trim a chin's nails...
  20. liewwan

    How do I track down a Chin's family line?

    So I recently came into contact from my girls breeder :hug2: I found out a lot more about their parents. The father is a homo ebony and the mom still just a mosaic. What brings the kicker is the mom came from a breeder in St Cloud, MN and Mama (the chin's name) is also tagged. I did ask if...