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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. P

    Gary and Percy

    2.5 years of age each. They were bonded already and 10 months old when I got them from a pet warehouse, living in a small industrial cage. Percy is the alpha male, heavier and more protective and vigilant. Gary initially had less fur and his tail was thin. He was very timid. Now he took some...
  2. P

    do chinchillas have the same eye size?

    I notice that the grey one's eyes look much larger in comparison to the eyes of the black one Is it because more dense fur and darker color covers the area around the eye or is there really a small difference in the front eye size?
  3. P

    I noticed the tail of one of the chins became richer in fur. What could be the reason?

    When I got the two from a pet warehouse, one was overall thicker and had a fluffy tail like most chinchillas and the other was more slender and his tail had almost no fluffy hair at all. No bite marks, just very short hair.He was also much more timid and more afraid of noises. They were 1 year...
  4. P

    Fertility question

    At what age do male and female chinchillas stop being fertile or it becomes risky for the female and the offspring? Does it depend on their life span, eg 20 year olds are more years active? Does active fertility age span differ between males and females?
  5. P

    Is the gap of the bars too large for chinchillas for this cage?

    Unfortunately Ferret Nations Cages were unavailabe from the shop I asked and they only bring cages in my country 1-2 times a year. Looked for another large cage on Amazon from Italian manufacturers, but they would not export it to my country either. So I ordered this...
  6. P

    Can chinchillas sleep or drowse sideways?

    I had to wake up the chins to guide them to their cage.. One of them after some running and hoping here and there, stood still looking at me and then he closed his eyes and lied sideways with his feet sideways on the floor too, kinda like rabbits do when they lie down. Just for a short moment...
  7. P

    which one of the 3 food options do you recommend?

    First weeks I fed them the Bunny Nature Chinchilla Dream brand, since this was the only available in the shop and it was the first day I got the chins: But because it was a mixed food brand, after 2 bags were finished, I...
  8. P

    Question about cage set-up and other specifics

    Got two male chinchillas. They told me they are about 10 months old. Got also a cage, one of the cheaper models and set the cage this way. I'll take them to a specialist veterinarian next week for a first checkup and to ask for more advice. The woman that recommended her, told me that she told...