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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. A

    Weird behavior question

    My youngest chin(Skye) who is almost a year old now has been in the same cage as our two other chins(Sydney and Sheila) since she was 5 months old. We gave them the necessary time to get to know each other and they got along fine, without rushing things we finally put them together in the same...
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    Chinchilla chewing her cagemate's fur!

    Yes, I am sure that Sydney is chewing Sheila's fur out, I see her do it mostly when Sheila is tired after we let them out. Sheila will lay down on her cooling slab and Sydney will approach her side and start to pull her fur out of the base of her tail.
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    Chinchilla chewing her cagemate's fur!

    I have two female chinchillas and the older chinchilla(Sydney) chews out her cagemate(Sheila) fur on her tail. How do I make her stop? They have been cagemates since my boyfriend and I have got them a year ago, they are 2 years and 1.5 years old and they seem to get along fine. I know it isn't a...