Cat Attack (very long)

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
Northeast US
I have about 1.5" between the bottom of my door and the floor. I was sweeping off Chloe's shelves and she jumped out into my room. Ok, I'll let her have her few seconds of joy as I try to find her dust bin/catch her to coax her back. Whenever I let her out on purpose, I usually just lock the cat in my roommate's room or put books and blankets under the door.

I noticed she was heading for the door and I went to herd her away, but instead she ran towards the door; towards the cover of the laundry basket I have in front of it (for cat protection as well). She went beside the basket and all I could hear was scuffling for the second I couldn't see her. Then I saw her squirming, yelled and ran to her, grabbed the cat's paws and tried to get his claws out of her. It was horrible.

When freed she ran behind my desk. I saw no blood or loose body parts, just lots of fur but I knew he got her leg. I left the room, locked the cat in another and washed my hands. Took about 45 minutes for Chloe to come out from behind my desk then I could see her wounds better. Called e-vets and drove down there. She didn't seem to be in shock (or pain, but I don't know if I would have seen it), was barking, alert and pooing lots.

Long story short--she has 4 lacerations and some scrapes on one foot from those 3 or so seconds of contact with the cat's claws. The lacertaions went basically in a line from her chest all the way down to her inner thigh and skin was hanging off of one laceration. Amazingly, they were all superficial. Nothing else but skin was cut. She had surgery to remove the hanging skin, stitch up the bigger cuts, and glue them all. Went home with some sulfa/trim, a $460 bill receipt and a miserable looking chin wearing an e collar at 4:30am. The vet and the tech especially were actually great, even though the vet wasn't a specialist. First thing Chloe did was angrily eat hay and then pellets I offered her. I immediately went to post all this after I had her settled in, replied to a PM and thought "why am I online right now?!?" and instead stared at Chloe worryingly for the next 3 hours.

The e collar didn't last long. I realized part of it was too long and she couldn't eat, drink or walk forwards. I took it off to trim it and put it back on with medical tape I had. That medical tape was not adhesive enough and the collar popped off. Eventually, I wrapped a strip of fleece around her neck and tied it off. It seems to be working but I haven't seen her try to groom her wounds yet.

I was going to go home this weekend but I don't think I will. I was supposed to have my friend who will be watching Chloe in two weeks over to show her what to do. Hopefully, she won't have a collar on by that time and she should be off her meds. I figure it's a bad idea and I can just email her the instructions and go home next weekend. I already told her I won't be coming home and I'm skipping all my classes today (eek).

I told my roommate this morning (she slept at her boyfriend's house) and she looked so sad and worried. I told her it wasn't her fault, or the cat's either. It was mine, for not being precautious EVERY time. I didn't freak out when she escaped from her cage because I thought what are the chances? The cat is in another room, Chloe will be free for only a few moments and I can keep her away from the door...I mean an inch and a half out of the entirety of my room--the odds have got to be so small, right? Wrong. She could have died. We are so incredibly lucky that her wounds were all superficial, that really astounded me.

I do have one question: when can I give her a dust bath? After the two weeks of the collar I'm assuming? She has a large patch of shaved skin so I don't want to irritate it or of course the wounds. I wish I could take pictures to show you all but I have no working camera.
Oh no! Nothing of value to add except that I'm glad Chloe seems to be okay. I appreciate (and agree) with not blaming the cat or roommate, but try not to beat yourself up either. I know you are a thoughtful pet owner and accidents do happen.

Hope Chloe has a speedy recovery.
Yikes! Looks like you did what you had to asap and I hope she heals quick! Definitely sending quick healing vibes Chloe's way. That cat makes me nervous though.
Yikes! Looks like you did what you had to asap and I hope she heals quick! Definitely sending quick healing vibes Chloe's way. That cat makes me nervous though.

Thanks. I felt bad and was afraid I didn't do the right thing in waiting so long for her to come out from behind the desk but I didn't want to make her go into shock and I honestly couldn't see any wounds or blood on her from my view. I saw a big tuft of fur which I thought could be a fur slip but turned out it was a flap of skin. I knew she could run and her movement looked normal from what I saw so I decided to wait it out until she was a little calmer.

Tell me about it, that cat makes me nervous too! But he's just being a cat and in 3 months I will probably never see him again (I'm moving back another cat, albeit, but this one is at least a young senior, on sedatives, gets her nails clipped and has all pertinent vaccinations and I will have a regular door to block all interspecies contact!) I just have to be extra careful with him around for a little while.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Chloe is drinking and eating so that makes me happy. She seems to not be able to get to her wounds, she turns her head and then kind of just turns in a circle trying to get past the fleece. And she hasn't tried to nibble it so far. She's equally pissed about wearing it compared to the e-collar but it looks like she can function in it better and it still serves its purpose.
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did the vet give you any pain meds?

No. She gave her some for the surgery there but didn't send me home with any. I asked her about it because it was in my estimate she gave me and she said that because all the wounds were superficial, she didn't want to risk giving me another medication (side effects etc.) and didn't think Chloe needed it.

She said to call if I wanted to get some if I thought Chloe was in pain.
That cat makes me nervous as well, especially since he's done this before. But then I'm not a big fan of cats to begin with. Best of luck with uneventful healing.
We had an abscess removed from our chin, and were told to withhold the sand bath for three days.

Maybe you can post a pic of the fleece thing you are using in place of the collar so others can know how you made it!
Poor unlucky Chloe, I hope she has a speedy recovery!

As for the cat, maybe something like SoftClaws would be a good additional bit of protection for you, or even for the other cat at home (or anyone with a cat for that matter).
I'm so sorry to hear about Chloe, but it sounds like Chloe got off lucky with only superficial wounds. Thank goodness! It's amazing how fast something terrible can happen, even when we try our best to be protective. I guess have the door shut and totally blocked off so this can never happen again for the 3 months you are there, any time you are in Chloe's cage. You also reacted quickly and got her prompt attention, so you really did all you could for Chloe. Now hopefully her anger helps her heal super quickly!
My vet said that a chin's skin tears like paper. I hope Chloe gets better soon.

Yea, it seemed pretty thin to me, I could see it tearing easily. I think her wounds weren't so bad because the cat could only fit one paw under the closed door so it's not like he could have pounced on her with full force luckily.

Now hopefully her anger helps her heal super quickly!

I'm fairly certain she wants to murder me very badly right now.

SC--I don't have a working camera, but I basically just rolled up fleece and made cuts in it so I could tie it together and kept adjusting it until it fit ok.

fanofdmb--yea, I've used those on my cat at home I might bring that up to my roommate.
While we're on the subject of fleece rolls: You'll need two empty tubes from wrapping paper or something of similar size and a glue gun or a tube of super glue. Take about a yard of fleece and cut it to the width of the door, but leave it the full 3' long. Glue the edge of the fleece to the cardboard tube and let it dry, then roll the fleece around the tube to about 18". Then, repeat that on the other side until there's a gap just about the thickness of the door between the two rolls. Run more glue down the inside of the rolls to hold them in place and let it dry. You should be able to slide that under the door to keep any inquisitive paws on the side where they belong. (It's originally designed to block drafts, but it'll probably help keep this from happening again.)

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