Your chins' favorite treat item(s)?

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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What is your #1 chinchilla treat?

  • rose hips -please specify crushed or whole

    Votes: 19 18.8%
  • sticks -please specify type

    Votes: 40 39.6%
  • willow balls

    Votes: 13 12.9%
  • cookies -please specify

    Votes: 8 7.9%
  • other -please specify

    Votes: 38 37.6%

  • Total voters
Honestly, some of the chins are sooo picky. Some LOVE whole rosehips while others prefer the crushed kind. They allll love their apple sticks and mulberry coins. We got these mulberry coins with oats on them, and they just go nuts for those!
anything and everything.....crushed rosehips...botanical hay....lava bites...mineral sticks...although she only likes to chew off the bark lol
Mystic Mosaics' Chin Thins. My babies practically shove themselves through the bars after them. And boy are they grabby. They come in a bunch of flavors so the furbabies never get bored with them.
I almost voted for "other" cuz Obsidian and Palay's favorites are the edible ones :thumbsup: ..and Phoenix takes one sniff of all the ones listed and throws them down ..or at me!

...but sticks, especially, crabapple sticks don't get tossed as quickly by the boy ..and the girls inhale those! I mean, like.. "hey, didn't I just give you a stick? ..oh, I'm sorry baby.. I forgot you? ..noooo.... glutton!" :p
Sesame is pretty much unbiased towards anything... but if there's a willow ball, star, moon, lily anywhere... it's gone in a flash. It might be that she gets sticks everyday and on special days she gets the willow items.
They all love willow balls! They also just got some chubes, which they destroyed instantly.
apple sticks are Tink's favorite because it is her most offered treat. She grabs it from me and runs into her cage to eat it in private!

But she really isn't picky - put anything in front of her and it's bound to be a hit!