Stasis and bloat

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Aug 1, 2013
  1. Stasis and bloat

My chinchilla has been on pancur and metronizodale for moderate giardia. Both times on about the third day, he stopped pooping. Eventually it righted itself because he was still eating/drinking by himself. He did some small dry poops yesterday when he went to the vet yesterday so I thought he'd get back to normal but now he seems to not be pooping. He hasn't eaten on his own for a day and a half. I took him to the vet again today for subq fluids and because he started grinding his teeth a day ago. He has been stretching like he has bloat. At the drs he passes a slightly bloody muscousy something? Dr said because he was somewhat dehydrated. She gave me instructions for critical care feed and I have been massaging him and giving food every 3-4 hours. She didn't xray today? Should she? He seems a little perkier, likes the critical care, but still stretching belly off and on. The vets are closed for Labor Day. There is an emergency one, should I try to have him xrayed? It could be a blockage, but since this is a similar reaction to being on meds he has before, I thought it was more med related. I don't know the prognosis, I'm hoping that I caught it early enough. He did have some reglan yesterday with the metronizodale which I don't think I should have given. I think he initially stopped eating because he was nauseated. I also gave baby gas drops yesterday but it didn't seem to help much. Vet stopped reglan too for now. Should I give him the gas drops? He seems to be kind of sensitive to too many things... I don't want to overload him with too many remedies?
I would deffinatly give the gas drops, it cant hurt him. How much Critical care are you giving him?
I have given him since yesterday around 3 pm, 60 ish
ml but some of these were watery too. Vet said to make t kind of watery. 1 1/2 tsp of critical care per time with 1 TBSP of water with more added. He seems really tired this morning, gassy, some tooth grinding. I've massages him a lot and I think he passed gas twice because I felt and smelled it. Is there any more danger signs I need to watch for? He's breathing ok and just sleeping up although sometimes he is till flattening himself and it makes me very scared when he does that. I just want to do the best thing for him. Vet said it might take 1-2 days for him to poop. Is this right? I'm afraid after this if it takes weeks and weeks... I can't stay home from work and class that long to be with him 24-7!
Thanks for the link. Is this a rare story turning out good? It's pretty neat.
Hi guys, Kirby is lying on his side. I know he is uncomfortable but does this mean he is near death? A little while ago he was sitting in his normal sleeping position. Not sure how long to wait for poops. It sounds like it can be a long involved process if it works?
What drugs are being given right now? What is the chins schedule as far as how much CC per feeding, exercise, massage etc?
I have been feeding about 5 times the day before and did about 5 yesterday... Realizes I should be giving him more. Just flowing package but only have a 1 ml syringe. Every time I try to make him run around thought he's getting irrititate within the last 12 hours and not wanting to. I massaged his stomach each time as long as he let me. He was really liking the critical care then last night around 10 and 2 really fighting it. I gave him a little. He seemed like he was in pain or stressed so I stopped. He was very feisty about it though he altentates to lying on his side or sitting up. He urinated last night and it looked fine. Also looks like he messed with the water bottle in the night. I was giving him critical care with water and recently some probios mixed in... Gas relief as needed and gave him a dose of reglan last night .5. He has a vet appointment today in 2.5 hours.

Thank you for replying.
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Pain meds? How many ml per feeding are you doing? I usually give 5ml per feeding every couple of hours. The critical care needs to be a thick milkshake consistancy, the chin needs fiber in the gut to help move things along, critical care too thin won't achieve that. As far as gas relief-you can't overdose simethicone, I give a full dropper every 2-3 hours during a entire episode of bloat/stasis since I really want to get those gas bubbles busted and chins usually dig the flavor so its like a little treat to them while they feel like crap.
Vet just put him on a low dose of medicam .2 once a day. I think I will try thicker critical care tonight. My vet who saw him Saturday thinks he looks worse but may be very stressed over his normal routine being interrupted. She gave me a referral to a specialty exotics vet so we have an appt tomorrow to be seen. She felt him and says he does not have bloat which was the conclusion I was coming to as well. At least she doesn't think he is in bad pain which I wasn't sure about.

I was giving about 3-3.5 ml maybe 4 but most serving maybe not thick enough?

I got mixed up about what a ml was before.

Dawn, how many chinchillas do you have?
I have three now, but I had alot more in the past, for a total of 19, half of those were malocclusion chins and the rest except for the three now had chronic health issues.

As far as pain goes, even when bloat goes away the guts still hurt, they had potentially been expanded to twice the normal size so it takes awhile for the pain and discomfort to go away and the contractions to return to normal. Its good you are getting a second opinion and the chin is getting something for the pain.
He was put on metacam once a day. Vet thought he might be stressed from the feedings and different drugs he was on. Said he did not have bloat. She recommended I feed him later today if he is not eating on his own. I just got back and it looked like he had taken pellets out though. He has an appointment tomorrow with an exotics clinic tomorrow morning in case he's not better. Thanks for your replies
That's a lot of chinhillas. Must be so hard to say goodbye. I hope I don't have to this time around. He's my dearest.
Do you have a gram scale? If so weigh his food bowl with the food in it, it will tell you for sure if pellets are eaten. I personally like to still feed until I see with my own eyes the chin is eating, fiber is what will help calm down the digestive tract so I like to make sure the chin has eaten by hand feeding.
I don't have a scale but I will feed him the fiber until I see him eating otherwise. It's true sometimes he takes pellets out and throws them on the floor.