Stasis and bloat

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Oops, I'm not trying to be annoying... Just looked like previous post hasn't gone through
If the chin is on reglan the poo should be coming, make sure you get him up and running around even if he does not want to-I usually put them in the bath tub and make them move around the tub. Its a strange place for them so it puts a bit of stress that helps get things moving. Also, what goes in should go out so if there is not enough food being consumed then there wont be much output.
Ok thanks. I think I have failed by not giving him enough. And it was hard to get him to move around. And with the vet he hasn't been on reglan regularly.
Chin needs to be on the reglan, it keeps the gut contracting, without it the gut can stop and die. Give the chin 5ml of CC every 2-3 hours, its not enough to stop weight loss but its enough to give the gut something to contract against. I like the tub because you can tug a bit on the tail and get the chin to move a bit, I get them to move around the tub, at least a few laps, any exercise is better than no exercise.
Thank you for your help Dawn. The vet says Kirby's prognosis is good, you're right he needed to be eating more. He's actually staying at the vets for a couple days because its almost two hours away so he can be more closely monitored.
He's not pooping. They think there's a blockage? He hasn't had a problem after Saturday and I may need to decide to put him down. I'm so sad.
Did this chin get X-rays to check if there is an obstruction?