Moms with infants!!!

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I know a lot of people don't agree with chiropratic, but if you can find a good one for infants then I recommend bringing a newborn to one. Most babies that die from SIDS have their C1 (I think this is the one, it's at the top of the neck) out of alignment. We took our son for more than one reason. The doctors wanted to do surgery for a tongue problem, he couldn't stick his tongue out, therefore he couldn't latch. One trip to the chiropractor fixed that. His growth plates during delivery become overlapped. He is one of the happiest kids I know, and we credit part of that to regularly seeing a chiropractor.

We have a crib bumper because we tried without and he would get stuck - couldn't get a leg or an arm back into the crib once it was out. Which to me is worse than using a bumper. Ou son started flipping over onto his stomach the first night he was in the hospital. We were told that if they can get there on their own not to worry about it. Always put them down on their back, but if he flips not to stress. We never used a pacifier. I don't like them personally - I know they are recommended, personal preference there.

Basically it comes down the the temperment of the baby and what you and your daughter want to do. I think that like with miscarraiges, when a child dies from something - unknown, like SIDS, people are always going to want answers. Sometimes there are real correlations and sometimes there are not. For example people who cosleep in this country with newborns have a higher risk for their kid to die of sids, but in almost every other country in the world it is the opposite.

The other big difference is that any infant born alive is considered a live birth in the US, in most other countries it is not considered a live birth until 48 hrs to 7 days pass. Hence why the US statistics look off and we have such high death rates in infants in comparison. The data collection is based off of different data.
I agree with Jess. My kids teeth suffered zero ill effects from using a pacifier. Rhiannon had some tooth issues, but strangely enough, it's because of a lack of calcium. Go figure. I'll tell you right now, with twins, I would have lost my mind without the plug of eternal happiness.

My kids also rolled over right away. I don't think they spent more than one night sleeping on their backs. I never understand the whole SIDS mess anyway. One time it's not on the back, then it's not on the stomach, then it's only on the side. I have to wonder if they even have a clue what causes SIDS or are they just grasping at straws.
Well...everyone get your phones ready to call DCFS! When Pierce was a tiny baby, guess how we put him to bed? guessed it! ON HIS BELLY! Worked for me when I was a baby, and apparently it worked for him too as this child has always slept thru the night (8+ hrs) from day 1. I have to say I had it quite easy when it comes to a sleeping infant in the house...I NEVER let someone come into the house and say something like, "Oh...I need to be quiet, the baby's sleeping." OMG, no no no...I talked normal voice even if he was sleeping right next to me. My goodness, I even vacuumed the house when he was sleeping right there in the bassinet! That kid could sleep through ANYthing! And I quite liked it that way. ;)

So anyway, basically what I'm saying is what works for you is what you should do. It is my firm belief that I created the child, I can do whatever isn't against the law to accomplish whatever it is that I need to accomplish.

Besides, when I was a baby, the whole "put your baby to sleep on their bellies" was the trend. Then somewhere along the way, no no no, put them on their sides...and you guessed it, next was, no no no, put them on their backs. Next thing you know they'll say, no no no, stand them on their heads! Sheesh...for crying out loud, just do what works and make sure it's a safe environment for the method you choose.
Oh me too Amanda! I rang the doorbell, made the dogs bark, ran the vacuum, played loud music. You could carry on a conversation in the same room, while watching TV, and they snoozed peacefully. My kids can still sleep through a tornado and not even flinch. They were made immune to noise very early on. Kody can sleep right underneath of Sparky while he's screaming his fool head off, and not even twitch.
My boys are the same way. I cleaned while they slept. My house was busy when they were infants.

My mother used to use tons of blankets in the crib when we were babies. She always put us on our tummies-it's amazing we didn't suffocate she'd say.

Now with both my babies-more so Ben. We'd always draped a very light weight burp cloth over their face when we laid them down. It calmed them down and they would immediately passed out. Don't ask me why but right from the get go it was like a security thing with them. They would stroke their blanket, snuggle it, and just overall seemed to need that. Would I recommend it, no. To this day, they still cover their face while they sleep.
They do sell "positioners" to help the baby sleep on their side. also during the day when a bit older give them belly time, so they can lay on their belly a bit, supervised of course.
only reason i mention all this is because i was so neurotic with my son about sleeping on his back that he skull is much flatter in the back than it is supposed to be. and that is one of the things that can happen if they are on their back too much. they even have baby helmets to prevent this from happening! i talked to my dr when he was little about it and they told me to make sure he was put in many positions during awake time so he wasnt on his back so much, but the damage was already done. i feel so bad about it, he will be 9 on wednesday. it isn't THAT noticable, until you stand him next to someone with a very large round skull!

With all 3 of my natural kids (I only say natural kids because I do have 4 kids but 1 is my husbands with someone else) I always put them to sleep on their backs with a folded up receiving blanket behind their back to make it so they are a little bit on their sides. Does that make sense? I changed what side they slept on every time they went to sleep so they weren't laying on one side of their head to much...

My last son (the baby, who is now going to be 4 in feb) has a very lumpy head.. i never let him sleep in 1 position for just this reason... His doctor was even considering putting him a helmet to even out the lumps.. She never did and his head has evened out a lot but when I shave his hair you can notice he has a lumpy head. but with his hair longer you don't notice anything...

I gave all my kids a pacifier. My oldest didn't want it after she was about 6 months. my 2nd didn't want it after he was about 8 months and my last child stop using it at 6 months to.. Also Never put the baby down with a bottle.. I never let my kids take a bottle or a sippy cup to bed with them. It's bad for their teeth... All my friends that have let their kids have bottles in bed all have the worst teeth and end having to get them the ugly silver teeth.. My kids all have beautiful teeth... No cavities, nothing.. Also take the bottle and the pacifier away from the baby at a year old and make them drink from a cup.. Nothing worse then to see a 3 year with a bottle hanging from their mouth.

Good luck and congratulations...
Just wanted to say congrats and you sound like you will make a great Grandmother! I used bumpers but took them out when my kids could stand and use them as a step stool to climb out,lol!
My girls, now 21 and 23 both slept on their stomachs and even once they could roll over, sleeping on their stomach was usually what they chose.

My oldest had a pacifier and she needed to have that constant sucking. It was challenging to get her off of it but we started limiting when she could have it and it was gone by the time she was two. Some babies really need to be able to suck and I'd much rather a soother that can be gotten rid of, than to see a 6 year old sitting in school sucking his/her thumb. My daughter never had any teeth problems but I know of numerous thumb suckers who do.